I've been blogging for 4 years, today. The fruit or flower anniversary. Hey, hops are a flower. I'll think I'll procure myself a gift.
I'm getting to be a veteran at this blog stuff.
Borepatch has his 3rd anniversary a few days ago. He's worried he is burning out. I know the feeling, when the black dog growls and you wanna pitch it in for lack of inspiration. Persevere! He thinks he is getting too repetitive. I say, "No!" And so does Winston Churchill. Anaphora is one of a bloggers strongest tools on points that are important. Repetition is perfectly alright. Repetition can be vital. Don't be afraid of repetition.
Also, don't be afraid of your spell check, fellow bloggers. Or the utility of pre-publish proofreading. Would that I took my own advice on this more often... For instance, until just now, this post was titled "Annicersary."
Or you can, like me, totally forget you covered the exact same topic only 17 months before.
Inspiration and blog fodder comes in waves. It's HARD to post everyday, but if I didn't the muse wouldn't come. Gaps between posts would grow, and eventually... blog death.
Delusional Donnie Fucks Up, Again
He ordered billions of gallons released from a reservoir to feed water to
Southern California for fighting wildfires. Except that the water was in
that res...
1 hour ago
Happy blogiversary, T-Bolt.
Congratulations. And thanks for the thoughtful post.
And as one of your 10's of Readers, let me just say "Happy Blogiversary!" Now go shoot some Hippies.
Happy anniversary!
Congrats! I'll raise a glass to more years!
Congrats :)
Happy Blogiversary, NJT! :)
"Repetition is perfectly alright. Repetition can be vital. Don't be afraid of repetition."
I see what you did there. :D
Congrats! Keep it up NJT!
Happy Blogiversary!
Happy Blogiversary!!
Four years of Zombie-killin' goodness. That's pretty damn amazing there, T-bolt!
Happy Blogiversary! Or Annicersary, if you prefer. Some great advice, too.
Way to go. I aspire. I like the advice. I read my stuff over and over both before and after posting. I find if you're trying to make a point, little distractions can detract.
I go through stints where I don't post everyday, just to avoid the burnout. Amazing that after 4 years you still have shit to say. :P
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