Sunday, August 28, 2011


And an odd one.  I dreamt that I woke up and multiple other bloggers were posting on topics I had in the queue.  And covering the same ground I was.  It was going to look like I plagiarised their posts, even though I had written my post a day or more before seeing theirs.

I'm enough of a hack as it is.  I don't need my dreams making it worse.


45er said...

Sounds like a regular week in gunblogdom, but condensed down.

JB Miller said...

Dude, I wrote about that yesterday.

Tam said...

There is no law against writing about things other people have already written about.

I sit down at my keyboard in the morning ant type what's on my mind or whatever pops up from a quick jaunt around the nets.

I write about whatever I want. It's my blog. It's cool that people want to read it, but what's important to me is that I wanted to write it. ;)