Monday, August 29, 2011

Quake BoB

I mentioned how I foolishly forgot to replace my truck BoB after vacation.  That got me thinking.  It was a quake, and my truck was in the rickety parking garage.  Assuming massage damage to my office in a more severe quake, but not enough to kill me, and the garage pancaking on top of my vehicle...  What resources do I have to get the 25 miles back home via shanks mare?

Well, my work shoes are Doc Martens, and they wear like iron.  They'll do just fine and are probably better than other shoes I own. (my feet are notoriously hard to get good shoes for.)  I have water bottles at my desk and a snack area where I can raid granola bars and crackers and such.  In my desk I have matches.  Pen knife in my pocket.

Hmm.  Maybe I need a mini BoB at my desk for quakes and firedrills.  Something small so I can tote the water bottles and a ziplock bag or two to keep stuff dry.  Extra layers for winter.  A flashlight.  Mini-poncho.  Multitool could be good too.  Ooo, terlet paper.  That's always a crowd-pleaser.


Bubblehead Les. said...

Now class, let us refer to the comments section of 24 August, 2011.......

aczarnowski said...

I put a desk bag together based on this cheap bag. What really got me was the insane stair door locking policy in my old office building - as in locked into the stairwell once closed. My bag holds a couple Wedge Its, a basic first aid kit, couple of water bottles and blah blah blah. Standard left overs from a life as a gear head trying this knife and that flashlight.

It was all stuff that was just sitting in a box at home so why not?

Old NFO said...

Yep mini-BoB is not a bad idea. I have a small one at work, and that reminds me, I DO need to take the spare rain jacket in and stuff it in there...

Jerome said...

Plan and set up an everyday carry (EDC)bag and get used to having it with you at all times. Here's an example.

FYI, MCS is located in New Freedom, PA and regularly has classes at FreeState shooting range by Baltimore.