Monday, November 6, 2017

Souvenirs of Death

Finally found it.  On this double feature, at the 1:36:47 mark is a 1948 vintage anti-gun-message short film.  Turn in your war trophies you irresponsible buffoons.  The narrator anthropomorphizes the pistol.  Makes it seem to have a mind of it's own, and partly responsible for the carnage it does.

Souvenirs of Death 

But click here for the video

10,000 people will be felled by war trophies in one year alone.  1:37:13  Wow.  That's a lotta dead people for 1948 alone.  No one shot with a domestic pistol in that 10k?

It's a 1910 Mauser and the film says it is .38 caliber.  Maybe the 1934 model.  But none of them match up to the year the movie or film was made in a 9mm Kurz (.380) version.  Standard gun-nerd nit-pick.

Oh noes!  The gun's only purpose is to puncture holes in human beings!  1:38:38

Yeah?  So?  Sometime you need something that does that for perfectly legitimate reasons. 

"You need better safe-storage laws, buddy."  1:39:25

I like how the cap gun revolvers all make machine gun noises.

Wait, is that June Cleaver?   Yup.  1:42:03

If you make your husband get rid of it, June, how will he protect you from that masher Eddie Haskell?

Ahhh, I see.  It seems a lotta war souvenirs all ended up in the hands of mobsters, then magically turn into P38s for the test firing portion.  (maybe a P08, I don't get a good look, but I also don't see toggle action)  Hmmm.  A barrel full of cotton for a bullet stop?  What could go wrong?  1:43:50

Worst crime wave in the nation's history because of bring-back pistols.  Not so much.  1:44:04

 Oh dear.  Then a cop shoots a fleeing suspect.  Might be a good shoot.  Bad guys had shot another person and were thus a threat to the lives of others.  1:45:21

Man, cars from the 40s sure did burst into flames easily.  1:45:50.

So, the cop died.  The get-away driver took one in the head, I bet he died.  The cop-killer was in a flaming car accident and not wearing a seatbelt.  A guy in the gambling den caught a slug.  The cop plugged a guy in the back.  But the papers say only 3 people fatally killed to death.

Looks like Mao/Chiang Kai Shek and TWA are in the news, too.

Mind you own business, Hoover.  Don't you have a philandering politician to tape record canoodling?

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