Friday, September 10, 2021

Things are going swimmingly

Personally at least

Foot blister is healing, and that was annoying when it was bad.  Supposedly I should take longer to heal and me more vulnerable to infections, but, not yet.  Or I know how to first aid right.  

Lymph node biopsy done.  The Gastro is fast fast fast with the labs, so no other delays.  Oncologist Thursday.  And I think that we will be finally discussing a treatment schedule. It's only been 18 months.  That thing looks HUGE is the snapshots, but there isn't a lotta room in my stomach for the camera to back up.

Gonna take a staycation next week.  My poor posting lately would make it seem indicative of a months long staycation.  Sorry.  I DO need to get some more more thoughtful on-topics, less health related, posts, tho.  Being pre-occupied with my own mortality that has an anemic side-effect that makes range days difficult to pull off...

That's been a big question this WHOLE time.  How long have I had cancer?  As a kid I was never athletic.  Picked last at kickball, slowest at foot races.  Did I have cancer when I was 5?  I wasn't even fat.  

I was slow in the military.  Lemme tell ya, they do NOT like that in the military.  I could do 110 sit ups in two minutes but struggled to approach an 8-minute mile.  Did I have cancer when I was 22?  Did I just have cancer for the run portion of the PT test?

Training with a pistol I noticed myself flagging in stamina.  I marveled at people that could do a 500 round count training weekend.  I didn't think I had the gas for it.  Did I have cancer during the Obama administration?

Wait, let's do the math...  Carter, Clinton, Obama, Biden...  I ONLY HAVE CANCER DURING THE DEMOCRAT REGIMES!!  Well.  Those of you that don't want me dead, I hope you now vote accordingly.  Those that do wish me dead, I guess, Kamala 2024?

1 comment:

Mike V said...

“I DO need to get some more more thoughtful on-topics, less health related, posts, tho. Being pre-occupied with my own mortality that has an anemic side-effect that makes range days difficult to pull off...L

It’s your space. Bog what you feel the need to blog. I was never fast either. My high school football coach used to say he needed an hourglass instead of a stopwatch when he timed me. I blame genetics. And I’ve been to high round count schools, you reach a point where it is hard work, and not much fun.