But the range up he street is open. Blue Ridge Arsenal, just head down rt 50 west from the NRA, and just past rt 28. It was the first place I shot my revolver, years ago, when I worked out that way.
Not too bad, shooting wise. I still am not happy with an Double Action shooting with that revolver. Pulls too far right. My Single Action is a bit more consistent. More practice always needed.
My buddy, MBtGE, brought a couple items I hadn't tried before. A Beretta .25 and a 5 shot Brazilian .38 revolver with a short barrel. Maybe three inches. And Brazilian is right. Shooting that thing was about as pleasant as ripping out your short hairs with strips of cloth dipped in hot wax. That .38 made a very noticeable flame burst out the barrel. I could feel the warmth. And it had NO rear sight. I didn't aim it, I guessed it. Probably couldn't reliably hit anything beyond bad breath range. I'd hate to have to rely on a gun like that to save my life, but I guess it would be better than pointing a pack of cigarettes at a bad guy.
The Beretta as a bit more fun. Teeny tiny .25 caliber centerfire cartridges. The trigger was spongy, but it still hit what I pointed at. Darn cute little thing. Naturally, it is an underpowered round, but so is the .380 I covet. The coolest thing is, MBtGE brought the gun into the range in his ankle holster. I had no idea he was wearing it, and couldn't tell he was even after he informed me of it. Here's a pic of a similar Beretta, at any rate:

Yeah, the NRA range is closed every Tuesday for shooting competitions.
Dear Jove,
Glad to see you up and running. I came to your site via the Ten Ring. I used to live up where you are, and visited Blue Ridge a couple of times. However, I found Shooter's Paradise in Woodbridge more to my taste. Keep up the good work, and perhaps we can go shooting sometime when I am visiting.
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