I like going into gunstores and not remembering the difference between Hi-Point and Kel-Tec. And opening my big mouth about it.
If you have worked in a gunstore for more than 5 business days you know more that I do.
That's why I try, TRY, to pepper my ramblings with qualifiers: "They'll correct me if I'm wrong but that is one of those cool Kel Tec carbines, and it's not that expensive." or "That's a Hi-Point, I THINK, and it takes some caliber of pistol ammo and I believe you can specify which manufacturers magazines it will accept." Like that. I hate it when I throw down a definitive statement and get proven factually wrong. That's why I don't mind so much, in my dottage, when someone calls me on something. Probably because of the qualifiers, and the wisdom of great age, I don't get embarassed by know-it-all isms as much as I used to.
Please feel free to call me on my asinine horse-hockey. It's the only way I'll learn (Shoot it took a commenter to clue me in that there is a groove in the top of snubby revolvers that you are SUPPOSED to use for a sight, and not all revolvers are supposed to have an adjustable sight on the top of the frame there). Expezially with boom-sticks. What do I know? I've put around... what? 1000 rounds down range lifetime, give or take? 3000 max. There is probably a casual reader or two to this humble blog that has put 100,000+ rounds down range, give or take. That much shooting doesn't definitely make them an expert and more knowledgeable than me... but it PROBABLY does. We'll go with that assumption, shall we.
Do not shoot guns into the air. Always know your target and what is behind
it: Via Chuck Petras @Chuck_Petras -> BattlecockActual @TheBattlecock
41 minutes ago
"Please feel free to call me on my asinine horse-hockey. It's the only way I'll learn"
OK. XD is still single action.
I need a ruling on lifetime rounds down range count. Do Military time rounds count?
If it's single action but the pull is designed to simulate double action, THAT is double action in my book, Corky. Look at me. I'm arguing with someone named 'Corky' on the internet. No matter what I do I lose.
And of course military service rounds down range count. Well, not 120mm rounds. But I doubt you shot 100,000 of those.
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