From Snowflakes in Hell regarding Sotomayor's questioning of the Heller case. She said she has a relative that hunts, and she is all over the value of hunting.
Snowflake said: "Last I checked, Dick Heller wasn’t trying hunt anything in the District of Columbia when he brought that case."
That's a first class bit of snark right there. Bravo Zulu.
For those in the back of the class that slept through the lecture, hunting is a happy benefit of the Second Amendment. It is not, in any way, its primary purpose. Your right to bear arms isn't so you can get your bag limit at deer season.
Some Senator should have ask that wise Latina if she has actually read even a gloss of Heller. We have to assume she either didn't read anything about a very significant court case, she DID read it, but her reading comprehension is fatally flawed, or she DID and she is purposely obfuscating. All three reason are exclusionary, or should be, for her sitting on any judicial bench.
Arthur Fiedler & The Boston Pops - Christmas Album
You don't get more traditional Christmas music than this.
2 hours ago
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