Tuesday, July 21, 2009

We Got the Funk

Everyone has the funk. "Just not feelin it..."



Folks are too depressed to blog or, in some cases, engage with the political process. Excellent. Relax your vigil. It’s all in the O-Plan. Sleep, you crazed gun nuts! Be sad! Soon you will have nothing to trouble you as the Soma works its magic, my Eloi… They already got tranplanted Chicagoan Kim to quit, they're after the rest of us!

I’m sure it’s not all that. But it’s like we have a hit of Seasonal Affective Disorder in the middle of summer. Folks are just down. Even I have been a little mopey, and sorely tempted to skip a day of blogging. You may have noticed some short posts, too. I hope this trend reverses all around.


Mike W. said...

I hope so too. I've been feelin' the same way lately. Not much inspiration to blog.

Anonymous said...

The thing is you can't stay at red alert 24/7. You have to take some R&R. And when your game is off, you have to stop and get your head back in it.

You can't leave a guy on the front lines every day for the entire war, you have to pull him every once in a while to let him defrost. Same thing here. Besides, there's a bunch of us. I'm happy to lay some cover fire while others reload.

Noticed the same thing you did and talked about it here: http://dantesfiringrange.wordpress.com/2009/07/17/ok-pep-talk-time/

You are right, we can't GIVE UP, but we have to ride the ebb and flow of the natural human rhythms. I can't stay frothy all the time. My Snark Cannons need recharging from time to time too.

Ian Argent said...

I dunno about the Soma; some days it seems more like the Pax from Miranda...

Borepatch said...

Well, I got the funk too, but I got it from my kids...

Jay G said...

I'm too busy dealing with dying household appliances to get the funk.

Although with the fridge on life support, funk seems to be the general status...

Ian Argent said...

I got the funk packed away. Unfortunately - I have to unpack it.

Unknown said...

You can add me to that list...

This was a hard week. I spent the entire week essentially running errands and chasing after pipe dreams. Only to end the week with naught but dust in my hands.

Tough, when you're unemployed, and you essentially do stuff the entire week.

I realized I have not read my RSS feed for nearly 18 days. Yikes.