Saturday, January 18, 2020

Now do Catastrophic Anthropogenic Greenhouse Warming, Mollie

The same applies to the Climate Change kooks.  There was a HUGE raft of fraud and data manipulation by NOAA and CRU and other more than a decade ago.  And no climate 'scientist' has come forward and talked about how they are sorry about that or how they were going to now expurgate the lies from all the studies that descended from the fraudulent data or even acknowledge that the lies even exist.

Is there something to climate change science?  Maybe.  Hard to know at this point because since the 80s and certainly since 'hide the decline!' climate change science has been 99% politics.  Not science. It's ALL hogwash. Stop pretending it isn't hogwash. If you, the layman, heard about it?  That wasn't science.  Socialism is the answer and, here, Glowball Warmening is the problem.  Politics.  You are a fool to trust them.  They just want to put their hand in your pocket and make you do what they tell you to do. They have, and will, lie, cheat, and steal to get into that position of power over you. Don't trust 'em.

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