Monday, October 15, 2007

Non-gun related post

Dang this blog. I prefer to use a Verdana font for easy screen legibility, but this app keeps adding an extra line break between paragraphs. Some paragraph go single space when I add images too. The raw code doesn't help me as there is nothing in the HTML that seems to be calling for tighter line spacing or extra breaks. Sheesh. You'll probably see a big gap below this line.

See? Sometimes, after a few tries, I can control that. Sometimes not.

And can anyone tell me why my home boxes show all of Alphecca's People of the Gun images as broken images (little red X instead of YOUR mugs), but on a work computer, I can see the pics fine? I can't peruse the images properly at work for obvious reasons.

1 comment:

Yuri Orlov said...

If the option to not display images is set in the preferences, you can get the same issue, though it would be on all web pages.