Read another zombie book. Patient Zero. Not bad at all. Some of the amazon reviews say it was slow to get to the action but I didn't think that at all.
The intrepid hero is a Baltimore Cop, ex Army, and a Judo Master. Well, some kind of Chop-Socky. And he's a natural killer. He's a bit too superhuman. His name is Joe, not Mary Sue.
He is recruited into a Sooper-Sekrit gummint securtiy org by a guy that is some kind of all knowing spymaster that has the good on everyone, including the president, so his people can get a lot done without worrying about red tape. Thank goodness they are on OUR side in the fight against the Terrists.
And there is a new terrist, much worse that Bin Laden. He has a sister that is a Mad Scientist Evil Genius type. And there is a greedy BigPharma guy supporting them. Her task is developing a Zombie infection to release upon the world. BigPharma thinks they will make Big Money on the cure, but Terrist McJihad thinks they'll turn the Great Satan into 300 million Shamblors. So double-crossers are double-crossing double-crossers.
It's up to hero-guy to stop this. All his action takes place within 150 miles of Baltimore.
Standard zombies. Slow and shuffling, hungry, agressive, 100% infection rate from a bite, headshot to kill em.
Hero uses a Glock 21, and a S&W 642 Airweight, but not often. An AR type for most shots, and his hands kill more Zed than his pistol. The author is a big martial arts type, and we all know that a Karate Choppa is what you rely on as your go to for effective bad guy retirement. You'll get your pistol taken from you most of the time anyway.
T-Bolt sez check it out.
Europe Crunches Towards War
By my figuring, the planet's been in WW III since Putin's Russia
invaded Ukraine and Ukraine called for -- and got -- international help.
It was ...
39 minutes ago
Baltimore is zombie land. I thought you said this was fiction?
Read it this past winner...the superhuman hero seems to be an all too familiar theme for the hero...another series that I am reading the hero is a former bouncer and underground full contact fighter who is 6'5" and 300 pounds and just happens to be an IDPA champion as well...
fairly good read...scary thought though, All Queerdo unleashing the undead...
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