Saturday, June 25, 2011

Sick Delusioned People

A pro-zombie rights group.


bluesun said...

Hey, it's their brains. Suicide cults never last that long.

JB Miller said...

Time to lay in some more ammo...

Bubblehead Les. said...

Well, if their so big on Zombie Rights, why don't they show their True Support for the Cause and put a Knife through their hearts and become Zeds? Just another Branch of Liberal Hippiedom trying to tell US what to do, while they exempt themselves.

Anonymous said...

People like that always assume that if they are seen to be acting in the zombie's favor that they will then be the last to get eaten.
Dhimmis also feel this way about islam

Mike W. said...

Hey, they'll be the first to die, which means the rest of us will stay alive longer.