Radio Drama
The NBC radio series *X Minus One* did an adaptation of Robert A.
Heinlein's *Requiem* that is well worth listening to, a very good telling
of the sto...
10 hours ago
A neophyte shottist's exploration and exercise.... Read by dozens daily
Closest thing I could find was this story:
Sounds more like business as usual at Trader Joe's, with Everytown trying to spin the story for some good publicity.
Stated another way:
1) Mom's Demand Action petitions for a no guns policy
2) Trader Joe's says that they are posting no concealed carry in their Texas Locations (so no change to what was allowed before the first of the year), and makes no new prohibitions outside of Texas
3) Everytown declares victory despite nothing changing.
If only they could monetize that methodology, they would be in the catbird seat ;)
Meh... I don't patronize them anyway...
I am stupider for having followed that link.
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