The show is losing me. So many reasons.
There is this. Also...
He's right. These people are SO stupid. SO many obvious things they could/should be doing. Ok, I cut them some slack. SOME slack. They are still a bit freaked out and and floundering for a place to hole up. First was the CDC building. Which could have been awesome, if it hadn't blown up. Not they want an Army base. They are a bit frantic while they are rootless. But still...
Dump the Winnebego! It's known to be unreliable, and of limited real utility.
It's a 100 mile quest you are on. Scrounge 4x4s. Even military vehicles. Everyone that can drive, drives.
Put a slow guy with a map at the front. Put a fast guy at the back sweeping up the stragglers. Have a prearranged signal so the guy at the back can stop the guy at the front. Have a prearranged signal where everyone one floors it. Have a prearranged signal where everyone scatters and makes their way to a prearranged rally point A and rally point B.
When you stop to scrounge for gas, water, food, clothes, guns and 'other', vehicles in a laager, security goes out to watch for trouble, scroungers quickly work through the stuff. Society has crumbled. That may be the last can of lima beans del Monte ever makes. GRAB it. Kids stay in the cars. It's a 100 mile quest, averaging 25 miles an hour. Stay the hell in the car, kids, except to poop. It's only 4 dang hours!
We've seen lots of military vehicles, but only one military sidearm. Where are the M16s? Zombies drop what they are carrying. They leave their guns behind in or near their vehicles when they get killed.
And, grown-ups: STOP having sex with each other until you re-secure good shower/bath water. Worry about repop later after things have settled a bit. How even the horniest teenager type could get in the mood with all that BO on top of the corpse smell of a million or so Georgians in a 50 mile radius is beyond me.
This Sunday's ep better knock my socks off or I am writing this show OFF.
They say there's a day for everyone...
Well, actually I have no idea if they say that or not, but it sounds good.
Anyway, there's apparently a day for me, because January 2nd is World
Introvert ...
20 minutes ago
Somebody in twitter pointed out that you never see a zombie without shoes in this series even though they drag their feet a lot. The church had an electronic bell ringing tied to a timer, but there is not supposed to be any power at all.
And you never seen zombies with such an ability to jump fences, operate doors and they never rot and come apart even after 2 months in the middle of Georgia summer
Hey, I've been lurking for awhile, don't think I've commented before.
Give it the rest of this season. If the premiere is to be believed, they're FINALLY getting back to the story outlined in the comics (three quarters of the first season came out of nowhere) and if that holds true, some serious sh*t is about to go down.
The zombies wear shoes because this is filmed in Georgia in the summer. Can you imagine walking on asphalt in July in the middle of the day down there?
I bought the 1st season after multiple friends recommended it. I regret that purchase. The show had potential, but the writers are clueless and the show isn't worth my time.
Fails; The continued body shots on zombies. Crossbow guy mentioned this in season one "Haven't You figured out to shoot them in the head yet?'
RV guy worried about a bag of tools. They are laying around everywhere. Pick up some good ones.
Unreliable RV, get a new one they are free now.
Why arent all the adults packing heat? I mean like 24/7.
Even if the learning curve is steep to have survived this long, these people should be more one there game.
I think we tend to forget that, as conscientious gun owners who read gun blogs and gun magazines and books on guns, that most of the populace of the US doesn't. They don't spend their waking hours thinking about TEOTWAWKI and Zombie Apocalypse (and don't even know what those terms mean), don't have BOB's stashed in their houses and vehicles, don't have stockpiles of food/water/weapons/ammo.
To put it in easily understandable terms, imagine gun owners as sports team fanatics, the sort that memorize all those wonderful statistics about a favorite sports team: batting average, slugging average, RBI, Strikeouts, E.R.A., and spend all their time comparing players from various years and trying to come up with the perfect winning team. Imagine everyone else as a "typical" sports fan who only watches the occasional game, and maybe not even the World Series or Super Bowl. That's what the people in The Walking Dead are like. They didn't learn all the cool tricks, and now they have to pick up the knowledge as they go along, with no one around to teach it to them.
Why is water so hard to find? It should be in bottles on every corner they cross. I would have grabbed a Hummer with a 50mm first thing. Not drive around in your favorite rundown Jeep . Why do they drive with windows down? Get a vehicle with air. Never know when one of the dead are going to bite your arm off through a open window.
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