This is territory gone over by other bloggers, and I am late to the party, but, heck, I need blog fodder.
We live in Bizarro world. First the AG floats a trial balloon to reinstate the Assault Weapons Ban. (aka, cosmetically scary-looking with all the capabilities of hunting rifles) Why? He wants to help enforce laws in Mexico. You see, apparently he is the chief law enforcement officer for all of North America, not just the USA.
Apparently, Mexican drug cartels are buying cheap (non-existent) machine guns and RPGs for cheap at the 10000 gun shows and stores near the southern border of the US, and then smuggling them into Mexico. I’d like to know where you can find readily available machine guns, and you can buy RPGs at all, in ANY gun store or show, but… that neither here nor there.
Of course it is illegal to make a straw purchase, or for a non-resident alien to buy any gun, and it illegal to smuggle anything across our VERY secure and controlled southern border, and no machine gun made since 1986 has been sold legally here in the US, and guns made before 1986 have a HUGE trace on them and cost $20,000 for an M-16… If I was a drug cartel I’d just buy machine guns from corrupt members of the Mexican army for less than $1000. Or just steal them for free.
But let’s say I am a drug cartel straw purchaser and that’s the only law I want to break, the straw purchase. I have to be in the US legally, I can’t have any prior felony convictions, I have to have the big chunk of cash for the gun (collectors have really bumped up the price), I have to have $200 for the tax stamp, the ATF certainly knows the seller because HE had the tax stamp and has to go through this rigmorole before me, an extensive background check has to be performed so I can’t easily hide my identity from the ATF as I will be fingerprinted, and I have to wait months for approval, whereupon I have ONE machine gun that I, the criminal straw purchaser, would then turn over to some bad guy for him to move to Mexico. Now the cartel has one machine gun. If I had LOTS of money to buy LOTS of guns, the ATF would notice, so, only one.
Can you convert some so-called assault weapons to full-auto, and have a machine gun, with the right know-how? Yes. But why would a drug cartel bother with a US bought AK-47 clone when they can buy a real AK using their own channels for cheaper than an AK clone can be purchased. Buy AK clones for $300 here, smuggle them into Mexico, and go through the expense of converting them, Or just us different smuggling channels and buy real AK-47s in great available quantity for $100 each? Are cartels uninterested in keeping profits high by keeping expenses down, now?
So, and AWB would make something the cartels are prohitted from buying in any form, and they aren’t buying ‘assault weapon’ sport utility rifles because they want actual MACHINE guns (which aren’t effectively available on the civilian market in any real quantity) MORE ILLEGALLER. You know, that ‘Assault Weapons’ are the most prolific sporting-use rifle IN this country, right? When I go rifle hunting it is WITH a so-called assault weapon. A semi-auto M14. Many other hunters do the same. But the even big sport use is target shooting and target competitions.
But all that isn’t the Bizarro world part. The Bizarro world part? Nancy Pelosi, practically a poster child for gun confiscation, came out and said we don’t NEED a Assault Weapon Ban, and we should just enforce the laws we have….
The HELL?!!!
Is Superman incapable of composing grammatically correct sentences in the world I live in now, or what?
The whole point of the AWB is to ban cosmetically scary looking guns that resemble machine guns but are no more capable than politically correct hunting arms, It’s a bit nonsensical. And since Heller unconstitutional. Unless that ban is a stepping stone measure to eventually ban all guns. Which it is. As has been freely admitted by anti-gun types.
[ Pssssst: When someone conflates Sport Utility Rifles (what the AWB banned in 1994) with actually military Assault Rifles they are either ignorant or purposely lying to you. If you like to have your time wasted with stupidity, or your life controlled by liars, then by all means keep listening to them.]
My ex was that type. Not the gun ban type, but the uncomfortable with scary looking guns type. Show her a Remington shotgun that is painted all black and she wanted nothing to do with it. But bring her the same model Remington with walnut furniture and she was fine with it. She is better now, but because she knows better.
She’s probably still a bit anti-gun, but she is aware that ‘scary-looking’ doesn’t make it more dangerous. It’s called education. She has it. She can figure things out. Using her brain. (Which is more than you can say for Eric Holder, the Attorney General. A Attorney General either ignorant of the law, or purposely misleading about the law. Both bad.) So the ex probably dislikes walnut furnitured firearms more, now, and the scary looking black tactical firearms less. Ah well.
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1 hour ago
Hey, which ex are you talking about? I thought the Springfield was disabled; if I'd known you could fire it, I'd have disliked having it in the house just as much as the scary-looking robocop gun.
Next time you get married, you'll make sure you are in fundamental agreement on the meaning and intent of the second amendment. ;-)
Do you have any black, scary-looking guns? The ones you blog about say no.
I don't know, that one rifle in my heading might not be black, but it's "scary looking." It's on the assault rifle list for Maryland. That magazine holds 20 rounds, and I could put a bayonet on it, and it's a flash suppressor on the end. But you are right, it's not black. I could swap out the stock for that color without trouble.
An AK-47 clone has similar features, except often with a pistol grip, and IT is scary.
But, good point.
Pelosi is very aware that the votes Obama got were largely a protest against the prior administration.Obama DOES NOT have ANY political capital to waste and a lot of his support would vanish immediately if he tried for another AWB.Holder is too stupid to realize this,pelosi is not.
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