Friday, May 21, 2010

Mexican President

"Calderon Calls for Restoring Assault Weapons Bam."

Heck yeah! I love it when my M1A goes 'bam!' Turning money into noise and FUN!

Wait a minnit.

He said BAN not BAM. Ohhhhhhhhhh. That makes more sense.

Let me answer then: No.

Here's a better idea if your drug dealers are shooting up Mexico with machine guns and grenades they 'acquired' from from the Mexican army, you need to arm the members of the law abiding Mexican citizenry with so-called assault rifles. Like we do here. Try out the whole 'more guns, less crime' experiment so we can get some more data and you can have some more free men and women down there.

That expert advice is gratis, Senor Presidente. I normally charge for my expertise, so you are indeed fortunate... a shepherd like yourself.


Mad Saint Jack said...

I guess this is a good time to dig out Say Uncle's post with some data I feed him.

Boat Guy said...

Arm the average campesino? Not gonna happen on Calderon's watch. Mexico has "common sense gun control"

Pop N Fresh said...

read a little of the wolf blitzer interview he asks some great questions that completely call for a face palm if you have seen his "speech" to congress

Old NFO said...

Speaking of that speech, why in hell didn't somebody tell him to STFU???