I'm not as good as JayG at updating during the show. But I am here. A famour person licked me. And JayG. And Weerd Beard. On the head. I can understand me and Jay, but why would ANYONE wanna lick Weerd?
The famous person was top shot Season 1 victor Iain Harrison. So, now the three lickees will probably find themselve at the range unable to hit anything other than the bullseye, and drawing from the holster, our split-time will clock in at 1.2 seconds. It's like frogs getting kissed by a princess.
Iain was hosting a little get-together as part of his capacity working for Crimson Trace at some sports bar where the women wear more revealing clothes than at a Hooters. In my cups, I approached Iain and said, and this is a quote, "Just because you were in the elite British Special Air Service and won a high faluting gun contest does mean I can't still kick your asOHGAWDPLEASEDON'TKILLME!!!" Iain is a great guy, though. HI-larious. Friendly. Not all stabity-stab-stabby when insulted or anything.
So it was eventful. The evening. Newbius got in a fight with another diner because we were making the sports bar filled-with-scantilly-clad-woman too rambunctious. (Jeez, Newbius... wouldja quit bothering people?)
Took Him No Time at All to Violate His Oath of Office
So much for swearing to uphold the Constitution.
An executive order President Donald Trump signed Monday night vows to end
birthright citizenship in the U...
32 minutes ago