This is why I like metal guns. I knew it! Leave a gun without 75 years of testing in your car in the summer and you get Gumby.
From the Target’s Point of View
Via email from Rolf: Very cool! This is from 711 yards away. This is almost
exactly the range to the most distant targets at Boomershoot. Of course, at
2 hours ago
Just because FN makes their frames from recycled water bottles is no reason to salivate over a pistol containing design features that haven't been repeated since before the Titanic sank. (You know, swinging barrel link and separate barrel bushing, for two.)
Sig-Sauer and Beretta, to name just two, make pistols that have both metal frames and post-Volstead Act design features.
But it's America. You go to your church and I'll go to mine.
I bet you buy the first model year off a redesigned car, too. "Ooo, the 1973 Mustang! How could I go wrong with a Mustang?"
Nope. I always wait at least one model year, usually more. But even though your bitter clinging to pre-Titanic, pre-Volstead Act technology is quaintly atavistic, I still try to stay on the high road. Like I said, you go to your church, synagogue, mosque, temple, ashram, or sweat lodge, and I'll go to mine. If your 1911 makes you happy, then I'm happy for you. But that doesn't make it the optimum design for 21st-century warfare, law enforcement, or personal self-defense.
I say this as a life-long aficionado of Smith revolvers (basic design dates to 1899) and Mauser-pattern rifles (1898). And I admire your dedication in going to all the 1911 gunsmithing classes so you can learn how to wring the best performance out of your ballistic buggy whip. We all have our idiosyncrasies, and yours and mine don't hurt anything.
"your bitter clinging to pre-Titanic, pre-Volstead Act technology is quaintly atavistic"
What era is your pocket knife?
You do know I'm joking, right? I don't really care if you carry a 1911, a Glock, a Colt Paterson, a Gyrojet, or a Harpers Ferry flintlock. (No matchlocks, though. They can be dangerous at gas stations.) Like I said, it's America.
If you want to trust your life to Taft-era technology, be my guest. I myself prefer McKinley-era technology.
Knives are all Pleistocene relics. Up-to-date cool dudes carry lasers.
Thag have rock!
Things go down hill since Hammurabi Administration.
Superior Taft era technology...
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