Thursday, August 10, 2017

Let's say....

Let's say the Maryland gun ban is heard at the Supreme Court (I am not optimistic it will get cert).  And let's say it is overturned root and branch (unlikely).

What gun should I get?

Another M1A or AR15 is kinda boring.  Ho hum.

Now a Calico or Tec-9 or Skorpion is interesting, in that they've been on the ban list for decades!

There is only one problem.  After I bring a Calico or Tec-9 or Skorpion home, I then have a Calico or Tec-9 or Skorpion.

They really aren't all that practical.  After the thumb in the eye to Maryland Democrats it has served its purpose.  Here is the list, tho.


Jonathan H said...

I think she should have at least gotten one of the semi auto pistols instead of just Airsoft.
On a more serious note, is it illegal to own banned weapons in Maryland, or illegal to buy them in state?
Have you noticed how odd it is that weapons like this Scorpion are banned, yet machine guns are still legal to own in MD?

The Neon Madman said...

I vote for a Winchester High-wall Traditional in .38-55.

New Jovian Thunderbolt said...

How do I buy a banned Tec 9 out of state? Maybe you can own one if you move here, but i haven't looked at that.

Antibubba said...
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Antibubba said...

VEPR, in 7.62X54R.

Jonathan H said...

Good Point - you can't (legally) buy handgun out of state. You CAN legally buy a long gun out of state, but only from a dealer and many dealers won't sell anything to a Maryland resident unless they know he could buy it in state....

You could temporarily establish residency in another state, buy what you want there, then re-establish it in MD, but that gets complicated and is of questionable legality.
I used to live in Maryland and am glad that I do not anymore.