Thursday, September 20, 2018

Mega City

"Is Richmond to Boston a Magacity T-Bolt?"

I get asked that all the time.

No really.

People from better parts of the country ask if it is one big urban expanse covering half the eastern seaboard round here.  Like in Judge Dredd.

No.  There is still country between the urban centers.  Well country to ME.  Where a farm when I was a kid a pace with maybe 40 acres of corn?  There used to be cow pastures within a mile of me, wherever I was.  Not since the 80s.  Sure it was only 50 head or so.  I had friends in High School that had farm chores to do. 

There are fewer of them close, but drive 30 minutes and you can see farmland again. 

And it's nothing like you see further afield.  Our combines only do half a dozen rows, at most.  The tractors don't have double wheels.  None of these too close to here.

Maybe on the Eastern Shore of Maryland.  The flatter area west of the Appalachians.

And see all the whitetail?  They aren't just living on suburban flower gardens.  Plenty of 3rd growth forest about.  Patches, but there. 

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