Sunday, February 23, 2020

Talisman 2

Update:  It's baloney.  That's what I get for following an anarchist on Twitter.


I talked about this before.

She must only talk to Leftist gun buyers.  Leftists, as we know, are super violent.  Not ALL of them, of course, just way too many of them.  Try not to turn your back on one.


Borepatch said...

Well, Maxine Waters.

New Jovian Thunderbolt said...

Yeah yeah. Not the brightest bulb. But she shares the attitude with most, she is just too dumb to remember not to say the quiet part out loud.

Tam said...
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Tam said...

Two minutes of checking ("Why doesn't Maxine have a blue checkmark?") shows that quote is bullshit.

You've been weaponized.

But doesn't it make you feel good to know your foes are so dumb and prove you so right? Give you that little dopamine hit? Mm-mmm... that feels good.

Angus McThag said...

Is there a blue check mark or not to show it's the real Maxine Waters, and knowing to check for it before quoting...

I am now very happy I never signed up for Twitter because this is the sort of thing I'd have fallen for, being all reactionary and all.

McChuck said...

"The Left projects like IMAX." They assumes we of the Right must be itching to use our weapons against them, because they are itching to round us up and exterminate us.

Like Dan Rather, I don't really care if this particular quote is true or not. I've seen its like often enough to know the essential truth of it.