Tuesday, February 25, 2020

The Next Big Crash

Speaking of the Depression.  I keep seeing this Backwoods ad.

And I mean bigger than the Great Depression.  Not like that piddly Obama Great Recession thing.

Thing is, when the Big Kahunavirus shuts down everything, with that crash look at all like the old style ones?

Breadlines and Hoovervilles and Americans seeing famine in the their neighborhood.

Is that prepper book 'preparing for the last war'?

I mean it is neat to be able can a shite tonne of maters in quart Ball jars and other skills grandma had back in the 30s, but I don't think the next one (be it in a month or 40 years from new, whenever it comes) will need them skills.

And the picture is evocative of teaching some of those old timey skills.  Which is great and all, but, like I said...

And boy howdy I wish I had a walk in pantry like that.

But I guess I better get the thing and see what the innards of the 140 page book tells me.  Three clams on Kindle.  I'll report back.  Buy extra TP and Spaghetti-Os, in the meantime.

(and if you look close, it looks like she is putting up jars and jars of Jelly Belly jellybeans!  the Crash is gonna be delicious.)

1 comment:

Zendo Deb said...

Having those skills won't hurt you, whatever the "next crisis" is. Also having a cache of supplies, and knowing how to replace those supplies won't hurt you in the next crisis.

And if the next crisis is Kung-Flu, then like all the other flues, it is a question of letting it burn out. Staying at home, and not having to go out to the grocery store for 14 days. Or double that. Would probably increase your chances of survival.

And if the next crisis (or the one after that) is TEOTWAKI then you will need all those skills and more. (Can you catch and dress small game? can you find and purify water? Can you grow a garden? Set a broken arm? …)