Monday, September 13, 2010


I donated to the 2nd Amendment Foundation. I figure it’s the least I can do, what with them working on restoring freedom in Maryland. A BIG victory for liberty, if it happens, in THIS state, “The Free State” is saying a lot. Let SAF sue in the courts, and let the NRA/ILA lobby legislators. Everyone has a niche.

I have no idea, btw, why Maryland has the nickname of The Free State. Perhaps it has something to our status in the War of 1812 resisting (but not too well) the New British Tyranny. It’s not for the state’s poor record on chattel slavery. About half the black population in Maryland was free before the War of Rebellion. But since Pennsylvania across the Mason-Dixon line was 100% free… half ain’t so good.

Now the states politics are dominated by the two major population centers, Baltimore and DC-Metro. One is an old Union dominated rust belt city, the other owes its success to catering to the other 'Company Town' where the dominant 'industry' is Government Work. If the Federal Government packed up and moved to Lawrence Kansas this whole place would look like Detroit, from Philly to Richmond.

Anyway. SAF. Good people. If they can help redeem this region they will be doing the world a huge favor.

1 comment:

TotC said...

Gah, even I wouldn't wish that on the home of the Jayhawks.