Triggers can hurt my trigger finger. My skin is so delicate.
Ruger revolvers have a sharp aris. Something about a SIG DAK trigger gets abraded by the tip of it's trigger.
1911s give me no issue.
The bottom of the Hudson's trigger hurts me, mildly.
The striker trigger is different in the H9. It bugs people that are used to Glock style trigger, but you get used to it fast enough. The hinge for the trigger safety is at the bottom for the H9.
It's that area that pinches a bit. Easy fix. Set my finger a bit higher. Or just ignore it. It's not enough to make me flinch about it. If I were going to a high round count live fire training evolution I'd tape that finger. Maybe.
Shootist’s Challenge – The Final Word
Ever since I published the Shootist’s Challenge,,
the question has arisen, “How far...
9 hours ago