I got the request, "Hey YOU know about guns! Can you recommend the pistol this friend of mine in Ogden should get when she gets her CCW? She is kinda short. And she intends purse carry but has a biggish purse."
Yeah... That question again. For someone I don't know from Adam's off ox. And probably never will. Has she shot before? Dunno.
I figure you gotta answer this one as patiently as possible. Give lots of ideas but no specifics. Don't say "just get a j-frame..." This question will continue to come up again and again.
But if I don't give specifics she is liable to look for specifics on her own initiative, instead of third hand from me, from the gun store sales drone. Who will 8 times out of 10 probably say "just get a j-frame..."
So how do you answer this question concisely and efficiently? It's a complicated and innefficient answer. The closest I can come up with is, "That's not an easy answer. Do X, Y, and Z first before plunking down your cash. Then do N."
I hope her CCW class is done by someone that gives a crap. Assuming she is totally a n00b and not unduly influenced by the ignorant her instructor is her best hope. But I do what I can from where I can.
Right now my only response to mystery lady is: "First handgun? You almost certainly don't want a J-Frame snub nosed double action revolver. That's all I can tell you."
Shootist’s Challenge – The Final Word
Ever since I published the Shootist’s Challenge,
the question has arisen, “How far...
7 hours ago