Thursday, July 26, 2018

My new boss

He has very high standards.  And doesn't suffer fools.  I have to up my game.

I found out something about him.  He was at the Reagan Speech.

See that glass behind the President?  In case the East Germans took a pot shot.  And the folks in front of him for 100 yards are invitees.  Mostly service folk.  And you have to get there early to get through security so people milled about for 8 hours waiting for the speech.  But this is Germany and you can't have an event without a beer truck...  So... GIs.  8 hours.  Beer.  No wonder they seem happy.  

And he, my boss, was stationed in Berlin.  Was milling around Checkpoint Charlie when the East German threw up their hands and the wall came down.  November of '89.  So that is kinda cool.

1 comment:

McChuck said...

Unfortunately, I arrived in West Berlin a year too late to have seen President Reagan making this famous speech. Oh well, the follies of youth.

And I missed Roger Waters doing The Wall at The Wall, because I was TDY. And I couldn't see Bob Hope because I was on shift.

At least I didn't miss Thursday, November 9, 1989. Great party downtown the next night. Good memories.