Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Training Time Coming

Uncle: "I learned more in the last three hours than I have since I've been shooting."

Documented Training quote.

Yes indeed. He was referring to all the NRA convention-attending bloggers that won a trip to get some training from Todd Jarrett.

Now it’s time for ME to poop or get out of the terlet. People gotta use that baffroom, ya know. Their teef won’t brush their own selves.

So, the NRA Basic Pistol sounds too basic. If I tripped over a class that was close by and on my way to someplace, I'd take it. It'd be one of those, "Hey, T-Bolt, could you come out and take the course I'm teaching? It'll be fun with you there. I'll even give you a 4% discount," type of things.

What interests me MORE is training and assistance on getting a Conceal Carry Permit from Utah, Virginia, and or Florida (but I need to make sure this place I found doesn't have Basic Pistol as a pre-req. In which case I WILL be taking Basic Pistol, toot suite. looks like they DON'T have a pre-req.)

Update, just called, the class I am signed up for is a combination CCW AND Basic Pistol.

It won't, under any circumstance, get me a permit for Maryland. But it's a start.

Maryland doesn't trust their own upstanding law-abiding sane and sober citizens, generally, to carry concealed, but there are states that trust such American to carry in their state and will even certify them as such. Plus, the fees add to their coffers. And I am nothing if not upstanding.

I found a place that offers all this nearby, Firearms Traing Group, but they are out of pocket (Iraq) until November. So that's the only thing holding me back: Time. I got on that waiting list, though, for a class on Sunday the 7th of December (INFAMY!). They have other classes that interest me, but we'll wait to see how much I like them in their first class. I might be able to use them to sharpen my accuracy.


Unknown said...

I am taking Basic Pistol this weekend at Freedom Armory in Glen Rock, PA (not far from the PA/MD border).

Next week I take NRA Basic Home Defense.


Best of all, my work's tuition re-imbursement applies. *woot*

Anonymous said...

Hi T-Bolt, I just heard you on Gun Nuts radio. You may have already come across the corrective targets. If not, there's one available [url=http://www.bghi.us/index.php?x=targets]here.[/url] Hope it helps!

Don T.