Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Silver Spring, just the one, the spring is singular.

He did succumb to his wounds.

This is near me.  My address says Silver Spring, but that covers a lot.  I used to meet friends for breakfast Saturdays down there.

But the few times I went out to dinner there, at night?  Walking from the restaurant to the car didn't fill me with warm fuzzies.   I mean it isn't awful, but lots of alarm bells do go off.  It can be rowdy. 

I'm not surprised a cop might be shot after midnight in downtown.  Nothing good happens after 10PM.

Wait, he was shot at 8:50 AM?  Yes, I know that is after midnight but it's also after dawn.  What the hell...

1 comment:

New Jovian Thunderbolt said...

There isn't a manhunt. If he offed himself, why are you acting like someone did him dirty MCPD?