Saturday, October 19, 2019


Thought I had something lined up here!

Uhhh, wait one.


Yeah, this is weird.  The lower receiver is ruled that it isn't a receiver on an AR, maybe?

How is that difference than my bare 1911 frame, then? 

The AR lower contains the hammer lock work, but that is removable.  The magazine goes in there too.  The upper part has the barrel and firing pin and sights location and the breech face...

The 1911 frame contains the hammer lock work, but that is removable. The magazine goes in there.  The upper part has the barrel and firing pin and sights location and the breech face...

See?  I am waiting for smarter people to hash this out, but I think many folks are confused all around.  And I like it when out enemies are confused. 

1 comment:

McChuck said...

The gun laws make no sense, so why expect them to make sense? Internal consistency is not their strong suit.