Hey! Do ANY snub nose .38 revolvers have rear sights?
I was perusing Kin Du Toit's website and saw his smallgun/snub nose revolver comparison page. No rear sights. I'm checking Smith and Wesson's teeny weeny revolvers, and darn few of them have sights.
Hmmm. I guess you are meant to shoot those things at bad breath range.
From the Target’s Point of View
Via email from Rolf: Very cool! This is from 711 yards away. This is almost
exactly the range to the most distant targets at Boomershoot. Of course, at
2 hours ago
1 comment:
The ones that don't appear to have sights actually do have sights, after a fashion.
The NAA mini-revolver sight is a notch in the frame that extends upwards from where the hammer rests, but it is part of the frame.
The Kel-Tec pistols basically have two white marks, one in back and one in front, which you line up. The front one is elevated slightly. The larger-framed Kel-Tecs have regular sights.
Most snubbies have a rear sight that is pretty much integral to the frame.
These are close range guns, but you might be surprised at the accuracy you can wring out of them with practice.
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