Sunday, September 11, 2011


I have nothing much to say about this anniversary.  I'm not very satisfied with the results. 

What was I expecting?  I expected that 10 years after 9/11 that a conversation far overseas would go something like this:

"Remember what those guys, that sorta think like we do, did 10 years ago, attacking the hated United States by hijacking airplanes and killing thousands?  Man, THAT was a dumb idea.  Won't do anything like that again."

I don't think we got anywhere near that kind of conclusion. 

That sentiment was true in 1951:

"Remember that idea to do a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor?  Man THAT was a dumb idea.  Shoulda negotiated a trade deal with the Yankees instead."

Or in 1822:

"Remember when the Emperor decided to march to Moscow?  HOO-boy, what a boner.  Shoulda stayed home."


I wrote this over a week ago.  It seems, based on other blog readings, that I am not the only one with this sentiment.

With all the investment spent on a truly excellent and capable LARGE military... well I don't want other nations to fear us, per se.  I do want people to value out friendship rather than risk enmity.  Civis romanus sum used to be a passport and, legend has it, a Roman could stride from one end of the empire to the other, drunk off his gourd, with 25 pounds of gold jewelry hanging off of him as if his name was Gaius Misterus T and not have a mohawked hair on his head molested.  All from fear of the molester attracting dire consequences.  That's a bit over the top and might never have been true.  But Civis Americanus Sum should either get you ignored because you are not liked or thoughts of No Worse Enemy, No Greater Friend should leap to mind.  And generally, we'd just stay home anyway, minding our own business.  You don't have to trade with us or watch our TeeVee shows and movies.  But you do have to not seek us out to cause us harm because you don't like Jersey Shore, or what have you.  Heck, I don't like Jersey Shore.  But I am not gonna hurt people that made that show, even if they have earned a beating.  And certainly not people named Sorrentino because they share a name with 'The Situation.'

1 comment:

Old NFO said...

Well said, there should be a new WTC up already, and smoking holes in various parts of the world... NOT the PC crap going on now...