Or fiendishly clever plan that wasn't nearly so clever, hmmmmmmmmmmm?
Hillary and other pols (Barry McCaffrey!) lay the ground work first 100 days of 2009 of the soon to be true narrative of too many guns going into Mexico (so let's ban them!)
Can't get their story straight last year. Who knew what when.
And now all this.
It's not the Scandal it's the Cover-Up. Good thing the admin is so smart and competent...
Hundred are probably dead because of the plan. One is definitely dead because of the plan. What is the plan? To get guns away from people that are doing absolutely nothing wrong with them. To inconvenience law abiding citizens in this country it didn't matter how many people had to be murdered.
When a regular Joe Q Citizen buys a gun with the intention of getting it to a criminal that can't purchase guns that is a straw purchase and a felony.
When a gov't official with no expectation of arresting anyone has a gun bought with the intention of getting it to a criminal that can't purchase guns that is a... what?
What if whole agencies do it?
Why are not all ATF and FBI folks, involved in this, prohibited persons at this point?
Shorter Trump: No Bigotry Here, No Siree
So far, he's removed three service chiefs: The Chairman, the CNO and the Commandant
of the Coast Guard.
One Black man and two women, all replaced with whi...
1 hour ago
2 agents dead, not 1 . Jaime Zapata busts 80 guns going to Mexico, 50 were F&F guns. 4 months later he's assassinated by 2 F&F guns. ?????? This story just broke last week.
Why are not all ATF and FBI folks, involved in this, prohibited persons at this point?
Because we still have and believe in due process. Yep, it sucks and it stinks and it's pretty clear what direction the road goes - but who knows how far?
Until they're indicted for a felony, they're not prohibited. Same reason many of us stood behind TJIC when his troubles started. (He's a loudmouth obnoxious jerk, but he gets his rights too.)
*shrug* The only thing we can do is keep hammering our reps to push the issue as far as possible.
Year from now when this is all in the rear view mirror and the dust is settled... Predict how many government types will be prohibited persons?
Let's consider another type of gov't 'employee'... If a Marine or Soldier had done something stupid, but by design, hundred of innocents had been killed, and then the whole thing was covered up... What would have happened to him in the end?
Why are not ALL ATF and FBI folks involved in this prohibited persons? Because they are the government, and until we mount a second American Revolution, they can do any damned thing they want.
A conspiracy trial could get every last BATF agent AND the AG's office, AND the President if we had the will to carry such a trial forward.
I predict that January 20, 2013 there will be a flurry of Presidential pardons made.
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