I couldna wait na longer. I went ahead and refi-ed the house. I never thought I'd see it much below 5% but 3.875% is outrageous and I had to jump on it. What does it garner me? $230 extra a month in my pocket. Until property taxes go up. Heh, they should go down. The County has been taxing me on the assumption that the bubble didn't burst and my house is valued (and taxed) at about twice its actual worth...
And... The July 1st payment to the old mortgage holder? Forget about that. Pay on August 1st to the new place. So I have an extra mortgage payment worth of money lying around...
Tempting to splurge on a new pistol. Maybe a dupe 640. I was just talking about retrolling gunbroker, too. If I get a Commander sized 1911 dupe it would be the Colt again. Completely the same. Though, for some reason, S&W full size 1911s have intrigued of late...
Shorter Trump: No Bigotry Here, No Siree
So far, he's removed three service chiefs: The Chairman, the CNO and the Commandant
of the Coast Guard.
One Black man and two women, all replaced with whi...
59 minutes ago
Re-fi is good, use the extra to kill other bills or level them on buy-it-pay-it.
I have no other unpaid bills.
Ammo. Buy Ammo. Zeds won't pick up Empty Guns from the National Guard, but those who are smart will, if they have Ammo.
I just did the same thing. Locked in a flat 3% on a 15yr refi. Crazy.
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