Saturday, November 24, 2007

Went Hunting Again

Or maybe I should call it sitting and shivering.

No luck, again, deer-wise.

As I approached the stand I am pretty sure I heard a group of deer ahead of me. Clearly they heard me long before I heard them. I'm sure they said to each other, "Oh. It's THIS guy again. Well we better be going again. Won't this guy ever learn he's not welcome?"

The moon was full and set about an hour and a half after I got to my spot. It was much colder this time, and I was shivering even with TWICE the layers as last time. One thing about the extra low temps... I tried harder to stay still. The only thing moving was the occasional hand to push my scarf up to my nose, and my toes were wiggling inside the boots a mile a minute.

I hear more before sunrise. I can hear the highway when it is dark. I can't hear it when it is light.

Before sunrise I think I heard a coyote. I definitely heard two owls talking back and forth. There was a bluebird, too. That was odd. Thought they were Spring.

Only one shot was heard, compared to four last weekend. The deer are getting wary and/or the hunters are not coming out as much.

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