Monday, July 21, 2008

The Revolution

I have read comments from different sources where some leftist Jacobin is complaining that gunnies are all talk and no action. They state that, "as long as 'rednecks' like us keep our 2nd Amendment rights they'll surrender all the other rights."

What these hippies want is for the gun enthusiasts to start the Revolution. For them. So they don't have to. And they gave up their guns as unfashionable in their social circles decades ago, so the lack means. Lazy bastages. Or maybe they are scared. Or maybe they think if gunnies started it, they could hang back while both belligerants weakend themselves, so the could sweep in, conquer, and be in charge of the mess that that creates.

I dunno, silly Hippies. Maybe the gun enthusiasts haven't started your armed insurrection for you because they actually know a little history that goes back farther than 1960. And they know that things can be, and were once, much worse. Like during the Wilson administration. Or the first FDR administration (1932-40). Or even under that super-tyrant Carter. Maybe gun enthusiasts are just smarter than youse, and understand madness when it is contemplated. "O, that way madness lies; let me shun that; No more of that." (love that King Lear quote, but forget where I saw it today...)

Maybe they just like thwarting your desires, and don't want to do diddly squat for you.

I don't think the Long-Hairs know what a revolution is, really. For one thing, if a real revolution started, it wouldn't focus on breaking the windows of Starbucks and MacDonalds. Or HUGE puppet shows. (big puppets, not big shows) A revolution is not an exercise program, or a half-hour TV show where the loose ends get tied up in 24 minutes, nor is it a T-Shirt fashion accessory. There is nothing in the scope of the Palmer Raids today, there is no American Protective League, and the concentration camps are nigh empty. We, as a nation, weathered those abuses the quiet way, the rational way, we'll weather the current abuses. Unless you Hippies get your way on some stuff and try to make the Palmer Raids look like a kindergarten play. But I don't think you have that in you.

That was a compliment, of sorts.

With luck, the Jacobins WON'T start their Revolution until after they goad us into it. That means we are in control of the country's destiny, and the future will remain quiet, propserous, and revolution-free. Remember Fred Thompson campaign slogan: "Win the war, cut the taxes, secure the borders, punch the hippies."


Anonymous said...

"And they know that things can be, and were once, much worse. Like during the Wilson administration. Or the first FDR administration (1932-40). Or even under that super-tyrant Carter."

Would you care to expound on this? I am unaware of that to which you are referring.

New Jovian Thunderbolt said...

Well, everyone knows that Jimmy Carter was History's Greatest Monster, as for Wilson...

Wilson was the inspiration for Mussolini. He was a progressive. Which means he was a socialist and proto fascist. His brownshirts were called the American Protective League (look up those guys). He used the war as a pretense to enact broad Socialist policies. He was a Eugenicist that wanted to sterilize the "unfit." The 16th Amendment came to pass under his administration, and the footing for the 17th were in place (income tax and direct election of senators.)


New Jovian Thunderbolt said...

Oh and FDR tried to address the Depression by re-enacting warmed over Wilsonian Socialism with warmed over members to the Wilson administration. His efforts lengthened the Depression. I consider FDR to be 2 presidents, and this is easier because he server 4 terms. The first 2 terms he was horrid, the second 2, the war years, his leadership and pursuit of US interests was laudable.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the reply, I'll have to do some reading up on that period of American history.

"Well, everyone knows that Jimmy Carter was History's Greatest Monster"

Care to give reasons why? I mean I know he was weak and ineffectual. Iran was lost on his watch as was Afghanistan. But a monster?