My Big Computer went Tango Uniform this week. TU is Latin for "bought the 3'x6' farm" or "assumed room temperature" or "taking the looooong dirt nap." It's been sick lately. Limping a bit. It was never right in the head. I replaced every part in it once, it seems. Weird things went wrong with it. Like the Motherboard went bad. Little caps on the first video card exploded. The power supply stopped working within a month. Most of it under warranty at the time. And it was the first machine I 'built' myself.
No big deal for the blog, as I do that on the Little Computer. But it's still a pain. I don't think I can listen to Gun Nuts Radio on the Little machine, fer instance. And now I will have to try to recreate all those web links and reload all those games I had and still want to play.
I built it back when World Of Warcraft was new, to play that game. So it was getting on in years for a gaming system. I don't think I'll build one again. I'll have the next one sent ready built, with ala carte features. Let someone ELSE figure out where the teeny wires for the LEDs go.
But there goes any hope for new Blastomatic in the near future. I need a good working computer to get me through the Obama administration more than I need another hog leg. Ya know, the guns will last through past the retirement of the 66th President of the United States. This new computer that I'll get won't see the 46th inaugurated. Odd that.
Another casualty of this purchase? Firearm training. Hmmm, I'll have to see what I can swing with that.
{UPDATE: The computer is no more. It has ceased to be. It has joined the choir invisible. It's pining for the fjords. It's bleeding demised. It's passed on. It is no more. It's expired and gone to meet it's maker. It is an EX computer.}
Weekend Knowledge Dump- March 28, 2025
Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out
some of these links this weekend. Ayoob: Is Your Trigger Finger Placement
53 minutes ago
1 comment:
My condolences for your loss...
I had never heard the "assumed room temperature" quip before. That made me lol :).
So, really, the loss of your 'puter made the world a happier place for just a couple of seconds.
That's gotta be a good thing, right?
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