I saw the announcemtnt that Ruger was discontiuing their scout-esque rifle on Firearm Blog.
I guess Cooper's Scout rifle concept was another answer looking for the question. Unless it was before it’s time, or something. That's gotta smart. I hope Cooper's ghost doesn't haunt me now. Hell, I'm still a kool-aid drinker. I still want a scout.
Or was Cooper really the lonely voice in the wilderness, and no one heeded his righteous call?
I checked out the Ruger model a while back. They didn't make a lefty was my impression, so... I dismissed it from my mind.
And the scout concept get's further from my mind, too. Pure Scout concept. I think I like several scout characteristic, and may subconscoiusly seek them out on all rifles from now on.
I Hope They Enjoy their Trials
From Chad Mizelle @ChadMizelle47, Chief of Staff at the U.S. Department of
Justice: Today, the Department of Justice announced its first investigation
(of ...
4 hours ago
1 comment:
I have a savage 10cfm scout clone that works fine. As I recall, Savage does make a left hand action.
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