Ok, apart from the fact the top model is a 640, all steel, and shoots .357, and the bottom is a Airweight 642 that shoots only .38+p, what is the difference? Both are J-Frame Smith and Wesson revolvers. Both are DA only models. What else is different.
Yeah, the grip looks different. Both are made of that rubberized Hogue material, but the 642 looks smaller. The 642 doesn't have the full underlug on the barrel, either, but concentrate on the grip.Could the 642 grip go on the 640? Because grip size is where people will notice you are carrying CCW. Shave a bit from the grip and you make it more concealable. And those two grip styles, above, are the two standard rubberized grip types.
It's hard to tell without holding each model in your hand. But that 640 (top) is bigger, all around, isn't it? Sure looks it. Not just the grips. Even with the same frame designator, J. Or am I seeing things?This is important. Size and concealability is what you are looking for with a snubbie. I'd live with the extra weight of the all steel 640, and probably just shoot .38 +p though it anyway (same witht the 642) but not if it is bigger.
I'd swap the grip out in either case to something like this:
There has been a run on the blogospher talking about the rubberized grips are grappy around clothes and can hang you up a bit. The fact those rosewood grips go on either model makes me think that the two varieties of black rubber grips go on either model, but I don't know that.
They do. J-frame grips of all sizes fit on all J-frames (and fit the old I-frames, as well). You're right that the top rubber one is larger than the lower one -- but only in length. I own both.
I've never had a problem with the grip "hanging" inside my clothing, BTW -- and frankly, the nice thing about J-frames IMO is that you can use the Clipdraw device on them. Very handy IWB carry with no holster needed. I love mine!
Oh, and I believe all J-frames have the same frame dimensions except for the .357s, which were lengthened a tad. My old 940 J-frame in 9mm is a tad shorter in OAL than the current .357s and, I think, has better lines because of it.
Pics here: http://www.softgreenglow.com/wp/?p=2484
I'm enjoying reading about your adventures in snubs because I'm going through the same thing in a quest for my own snub.
You mentioned size of the 640 vs. the 642. While frame-wise they should be the same size, are they the same size in all dimensions that you cannot change? That is, yes the grips are different sizes but you can change that. But something like the cylinder width, is that the same? I'd suspect the 640 might be a bit wider, but I don't know for sure as I can never find a 640 in the stores and my Google Fu for this has been weak.
Anyway, I'll keep following what you're doing here as it's all right along the same alley I'm going down. :-)
Also, the 640 has a full 2" barrel whereas the 642 has a 1 7/8" barrel...
And yes, the same grips will fit both guns.
I have the grippy Hogues on both of my Smith j-frames (the Chief's Special model 360PD and the Bodyguard model 38). I haven't noticed the grips catching on anything, and I carry both guns in a DeSantis Nemesis pocket holster.
(No, not at the same time...)
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