Saturday, November 11, 2017

Story of Two Grandpas

This is one of my Grandfathers.  Looks a bit like Truman, huh?  22 years younger than the president, but still old for a war.  See those glasses?  He liked boating and volunteered for the Navy, first, but they wouldn't have him because of the near sighted vision.  He played goalie on his college hockey team and got hit in the head.  Claimed that's what knocked his vision out.  Wear your helmets, people.  There were no helmets for hockey players in the 20s.  Plan B.  Army it was.  Ran a Kresge's five and dime before hostilities, so the Army put him in charge of a PX.  Looks like he got to the range, tho, and got qualified.  Had two young sons and lived in Chevy Chase.  Grammy cried her eyes out when he got orders for Europe after D-Day, she was so worried, but those got rescinded.  He left the army as a major and started a store selling Venetian blinds. Failed at that when a partner was brought on that over extended the business, had a nervous breakdown, and worked as a salesman for a larger, blind supplier, competitor.  Took to painting during that low point, when the Black Dog was at the door, but bounced back quite successfully because it turned out he was a natural public relations man and salesman.  Did more than ok.  Retired comfortably, had a cottage on the shore, loved his grand children.  And great grand children. Wore his Army ring every day forever.


This is the Grandfather I didn't meet.

Looks like a tough bastard...

Corporal.  HQ company under Hanneken, 7th Marines, 1st Marine Division.  Radio man.  Died in battle, September 1944.  Silver Star.  Didn't get to run a greenhouse in Michigan after the war.  He left for boot camp three days after his only daughter was born.  Never saw her again.    

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