Friday, August 24, 2018

Grocery Stores

They are empty in Hawaii, what with the Typhoon coming.

I don't understand.

I can see wanting to stock up on milk bread and eggs because the snow is coming.  They have a short shelf life.

And I might be low on terlet paper right before a big blizzard, and getting more in a rush right before the storm is a convenience.  But if I miss out I will make do.

And CAN make do.  For a week easily.  And everyone subject to a blizzard that can shut down a region for a week should.  You'd think.

Same for Hawaii.  Everyone know Typhoons are a thing there.  Disruption of a week or more is a thing, too.

Maybe they ARE prepped for a week or more.  They are just making a panic run on the store so they'll have enough for a week or more, PLUS another week, with the panic buy supplies.   Ok, I can see that.

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