A whole slew of my friends and family and favored co-workers and gunnies and what not were all sitting down to a great big long banquet table for a meal. It had a white table cloth. It was outdoors, and the weather was gorgeous, and it was in Northern Italy.
Lots of you brought children or nieces and nephews. One of the younger ones didn't know what the Violent Femmes were. So I started singing American Music. And the rest of you joined in on the chorus. Very well done, people, good job. A great moment.
Better than the dream the night before when Blackjack bombers were flying over my house on a starry night, maneuvering violently, heading south.
Nightmarish, But was better than the night before. When my old crotchety neighbor Archie was still alive, but mentally gone, and standing in his front yard, the most familiar place in the world, but recognizing nothing, and screaming, SCREAMING in terror. That was a nightmare.
"But I'll never get like that. No way. They aren't perfect but they do great things and help hold the line. There is nothing they can do that'll make me pull back my enthusiasm..."
Man, NRA, you are gonna have to WIN my love back now, big time before I'll even consider supporting you again. Do something for me and mine before yourselves. Thanks for getting a whole buncha states CCW but that was about done 10 years ago. I'd be impressed if you got the rest.
There is "Make Trigger Go Good" which has a surprise break at the end. Option A. :-)
And there is "MakeTriggerGoNOW!" which has a flinch at the end. Option B. :-(
Now when you are shooting well and doing Option A you naturally want to do Option A but a tiny bit faster. Then you get Option B as you drive faster than your headlights. Out of practice I usually am Option B after the first shot and get to Option A then speed up if I have time and get back to Option B. If I am disciplined I calm back down and end up at Option A again.
I think that is where I am goofing. I know how to do Option A. I forget and have to relearn Option A, even with frequent practice. When I have Option A tuned in I immediately try to speed up Option A, because that would be a good thing. And quickly get to Option B. Too fast, no surprise, flinch creeps in.
35 more American Eagle .45 AC with no malfunctions. Fewer, "Oh, Dammit!" shots. 1038 shot through gun.
Now, the real trick. Speeding up Option A and keeping it Option A.
The worst shot on target #5 was the first of the magazine and they walked in closer after that. Kinda enjoyed that.
So, slightly better. I listened to myself for once.
With my luck and if I get a M&P, then Smith will have financial problems again and not get any Police Department contracts. Or if I get a M17, the War Department will change their mind and cancel procurement and go somewhere else the model will be nigh stillborn.
Glock is my third choice, but I am snakebit. Something bad can happen to Glock and even the mighty Austrians can get eclipsed.
Now none of this bothers me none after the sale. I have a Hudson, fully aware it could end up like it did. I was just thinking aftermarket support.
Then again, there are enough Glocks out there after market support will last for decades if they magically never sold another new gun starting tomorrow.
I'm also on record as being willing to compromise on this. Push for mandatory firearm ownership, but reluctantly accept nationwide shall-issue and expunge every gun registration database. We can also be merciful during the sentencing phases after the trials of the people that pushed for gun bans. We aren't inflexible tyrannical monsters, after all.
Does this mean Google is gonna quash my blooger posts if it looks like it will halp Trump?
Good thing Trump isn't so good for the Second Amendment. Let's say he has a mixed record so far. Some pretty good things, some pretty bad things. So maybe they'll leave this part of the product suite. Much to the happiness of my 4 readers that depend on me every day.
The election AFTER that will be bad. Then they will purge the neutral ones, too, methinks
Well, lots of things can go to it. Fix my heeling flaw.
A good trigger pull does it. The bullseyes I shoot are all good surprise breaks. Natch.
Distracting me from the heeling potential I can concentrate on pinning and reset, but there are diminishing returns with distractions. They only work for a little while. And then the shooting reset becomes a habit I may not want to cement in place.
More dry fire before range trip, sho'.
Rent a gun. Trick myself with variety.
But I am at a loss otherwise, after all that. "Be good at the trigger pull." Yeah, I KNOW that... And, hell, that struggle is probably lifetime's effort for everybody. Even the best shooters wouldn't mind improving that.
I don't think there is any trick that fixes it forever, for all time. I should know that by now.
The trick is, like a good trigger pull, holding the blade at a consistent angle. Locking your wrists and holding the blade consistently is the key. Lock your arms to you side. Back and forth, without lifting the blade, on a relatively flat stone. Flip the blade and do the other side the same way.
"T-bolt, stones are expensive! And hard to keep up!"
Yes. Buy ceramic stone. Medium, Fine, Extra Fine. As big as you can get. Use a touch of 3-in-1 oil for lubricant. That's still $200.
Gluing 600 grit, 1000 grit, and 3000 grit sandpaper to a granite tile is about as good, and much cheaper.
If you blade is really bad you might start with 240 grit. If you get REALLY skilled at sharpening, something in the 6000 grit range might be for you, but that's not what this post is about. If you are that good you can teach me tips.
Be careful of dubbing. Where you round over the edge because of flexible backing or bad stopping or non consistent hold. Everyone dubs some, doing it freehand. When you get consistent it lessens and you get satisfied with your edge and it is sharp.
Back and forth, back and forth. Don't lift the blade. That's where you get wonky angle changes. Stay on the abrasive for more control. Use oil (or water if you have waterstones). It keeps the stone or paper from clogging or glazing and it also pushes away the swarth. Swarth is particles of knife steel and bits of abrasive.
If I have 3 beers on a Thursday, I can still drive, and have no problem getting up for work on Friday.
This is for me! All this. YOUR mileage may vary.
That then means I can drink 8 beers on Friday. Wake up Saturday with no ill effects. As long as there is no alarm clock. Just wake up in my own time. The three practice beers Thursday made eacy 8 A-OK.
But 8 beers means my judgement is clouded. And I might say "What the heck?" and have a ninth. Bad call. I will now be hungover Saturday morning. Pain behind my right eye all day. It's awful.
But if I had 8 on Friday, 9 on Saturday is just fine. I will be OK Sunday morning. This is all assuming no other alcohol consumption during the rest of the week, Just weekend binges, with, perhaps, Thursday pregame.
I've had this drinking wisdom for decades. But that 'cloudy judgement' thing is a persistent spoiler. Next life, I hope I am a teetotaler. Not the annoying kind, tho. Maybe have a hop allergy.
Pretty good in that when I was 'on' the groups were pretty tight in the 2 o'clock spot on the target, all touching.
Awful because of some HORRID fliers from flinching.
No malfunctions, and back to shooting the 1911. Topped a grand, and put on three spots of oil in the usual spots. 36 rounds, 1003 total through the gun. Not one malf in a 1000.
Hey, notice all the fliers are up and away except that first one on target number one? That is my old flaw. Not I got that new flaw. And just with 1911s. The Hudson goes elsewhere. Another reason I am considering a black plastic commodity pistol.
So, Hillary goes to a sacred 9/11 commemoration, and her health fails and she collapses and has to be tossed in a van like a sack of potatoes.
Now Merkel meets with the Ukrainian president and goes into conniptions.
In 9/11 it was the free world against the rising forces of terrist evil.
With the Berlin thing, Merkel is facing a Ukrainian who is opposing the rising forces of Russian evil.
And both timse these people, Hillary and Angela, flag and falter in the disinfecting light of symbolic Liberty.
It's like the Duck of Death's speech of what happens when you some English person meets royalty.
Or how some people worry lightning will strike them if they enter a church, with the sinful life they've lead up to that point.
Don't shoot either lady. Neither are worth it. And neither are presidents or queens.
Prohibiting firearms in Virginia Beach gov't offices is what CAUSED your massacre. We know for a fact at least one other person would have been armed and able to face the murderer on equal footing if the rules have been different. Your proposal to make it MORE prohibited is bizarre and immoral.
"But you Gun Fanatics don't consider if you can already carry a mass murdered would already have his gun at work and be able to slaughter the place that much sooner!"
First of all, that already happened.
Second of all, you are worried that a CCW person, some of the most law abiding people on the planet. More so than cops, as a class of people, might snap, and go on a spree?
"Yeah! Like that! Who's the stop that guy if he get's mad at work one day?"
Who watches the watchmen?
The second CCW person in that office. Heck there might be a half dozen people there that don't even know any of the others are strapped. Happens all the time. Like the last time you were at the grocery store. They aren't all going to snap at once. Sort of a balance, huh? Might keep the massacre numbers down, too.
When you practice and try to go to the range nigh weekly... It's amazing how fast you burn through your ammo.
And I purposely don't shoot a lot each time. Doesn't cost me extra each time I go, I don't have to put 100 down range to feel like I got my lane rental money's worth.
So, shooting 42ish rounds per... It still seemed like I ordered a thousand rounds to be delivered only a month or two ago.
"If you have to buy just one knife, make it a chef's knife. It's the most versatile."
Like gunnie and survival talk, right there. If you have to buy one gun, make it a .22/shotty/CCW/AR/etc.
But, not one with a kitchen making food is ever forced to just have one knife. There is always more.
Same with gunnies and survivalist.
"Beware of a man with only one gun. He's probably very good with it." Well, maybe. But who has only one gun? Poor people that use that one gun to put meat in the pot. A subset of Americans that shrinks all the time. And a person that bought a gun as an afterthought. And maybe used it one. This second type of person isn't very good with that gun.
But when was the last time you met a survivalist that has been doing this a while and had only one gun? A lot of survivalist, if they sold 90% of their massive gun collection, could afford to buy that rural homestead property, finally. And still be well armed when they get there.
Ah, but there is a time when you can find having to choose only one. Kitchen Knife or Gun. When you have to pare down fast and space and weight limitations restrict you to only one tool. Like the volcano blew and it had volcano EMP and now you gotta walk to your prepper cabin 100 or other shelter miles away in a week. Which gun do you grab?
Or, you are a chef given the chance of a lifetime to conduct a seminar in Belize and have to fly our with one piece of checked luggage in 3 hours, so only so much kitchen equipment is coming.
And you chef's knife is what you are most familiar with, maybe. And most skilled with. And how likely you are to find a replacement for a very personal customized item when you get there.
Same with the gun. If I have to flee the Baltimore EMP Volcano Eruption with Sharknados thrown in.... That choice might be the lighter CCW pistol over a rifle, despite whatever 'conventional wisdom' you are thinking up right now. I have to walk around here, and civilization may be about to collapse, (hence the risk to take a gun around here) but it hasn't collapsed yet, and I need no extra attention drawn to me. I am more practiced with the pistol, too. It's lighter. It might be my chef's knife.
Discusses Depression Lust on the left that I also noticed 10 years ago. NPR was BEGGING for bread lines. "Next Christmas, the most appreciated gift will be food," because people won't be able to afford it.
It's not that a big economic downturn can't happen. It surely can. But geez, don't wish it into existence.
Maybe more later. Going to doctor. Sure it is nothing.
Hey, it's only halfway-ish though June and I already got 24 posts. Readership is down 66% from this time last year, unless I get a link from somebody.
So why keep the blog up? Habit. Testing my self-discipline. I still like it. It keeps me focused on the issue when by now I'd be a 2 range days a year sorta person. So that's nice. I guess. I'll quit when I wanna, and I don't wanna.
Is gonna give me a lotta stuff. He says. Economic Bill O' Rights.
No word on what he is gonna take from me.
I bet if I asked he'd say he'd take nothing from me. Oooo, noice!
But he would be lying.
Then there is this gun content about it.
This is like if people said the second amendment entitles all Americans to government funded and issued firearms. You already can get healthcare of your choice, you can get an education, a good job, affordable housing, a secure retirement, and a clean environment.
You know, his party and him messed up healthcare in the first place. I mean it wasn't perfect before. We had great healthcare with a semi-lousy way to pay for it. But now it is much worse. These peeps, Bernie included, got some gall asking us to trust them to fix something they are responsible for breaking.
Gotta bet with a work buddy. I bet him Biden would NOT be the nominee. I thought he'd burn out and fade away. Go Jeb. I think it will be Harris, but my second guess is Fauxcahontas. I win the $20 if Biden goes away, tho, it doesn't matter who steps up to fill the spot.
So people aren't really as poor as all that. It's media people that stopped paying attention in math class at age 13 not understanding statistics, and me not doing due diligence keeping tabs on them Journo majors when I know I should.
I even lamented about this exaggeration in a previous post. I'm still doing fine, but I have less to worry about with my fellow countrymen.
Man, the media LOVES to bask in squalor. They were SO excited when the downturn happened in 2008. Especially NPR. Like they looked forward to seeing breadlines and Hoovervilles. It would help them cement their preferred leftist economic policy, they thought. They needed another Great Depression. Call it the Great Recession this time. And Obama was a good choice if you wanted to extend bad economic times, it proved.
But you gotta be careful. What if the next guy is smarter than your guy and appears to turn on a powerful economic engine like he was flipping a switch? Affording him to even use the economy as a weapon to try to improve our outlook further. Man, I hope that works out. Keep the economy humming and throw us a few 2A wins, Orange Man, and I'll be pleased as punch.
Because where it is enacted eventually gets to this. A frail old man rightfully defends himself in his home and now he is going to go to prison because he had his grandad's pistol in his bedside drawer.
You know who else had that. My crotchety old neighbor Archie. Fortunately, Maryland is about 50 years behind New York. We have so-called 'universal' background checks and subsequent registration, but the state hasn't thrown any grandpas in jail for it yet. They are working up the courage and impunity for that. But for now the only way the weaker registration law can really hang you up with the state if is your incriminate yourself to the police. "Oh that gun, I got that in 2012." Don't say that. Let them figure out when you got it, and prove that, and if that breaks state law and how badly it does, and what lengths they want to drag it with an uncooperative defendant. Shhh. Don't be the grandad in the orange jump suit by talking your own way in there.
I hate it when you get over enthusiastic DA trampling on regular folks and abusing gov't power.
Oh, an in New York, you might want to take Biden's advice and use a shotty.
Another case where a strong SCOTUS ruling against registration would be welcome, so abuses as this don't happen. Or a SCOTUS ruling that this sort of thing only rises to misdemeanor. I'm not holding my breath. Even with a another Trump appointee on the bench in the place of RBG
First round of the second magazine, #11, the rim escaped the extractor, and it was left in the chamber, only a quarter withdrawn. Round twelve then got hung up trying to enter where eleven was obstructing. Correction necessitate stripping the mag out, letting #12 fall free, and cycling the slide. This was difficult until the slide was locked back. The gun was hung up for 20 seconds, maybe?
Saved #11 spend case and a control case to inspect.
Possible caused. Extractor issue. Round 12 got loose and wedged under 11 early, holding 11 in place even if the extractor is ideal in function. Extractor type is S&W external style and has given me a problem in the past.
Anyway, back to the rest of the session.
Ok, I am noticing a pattern. Go to the range every week and the accuracy levels off at 'pretty good'. Skip a couple week and it is still good, for some reason, the next time back. But the accuracy falls off dramatically in subsequent sessions until it slowly build to the 'pretty good' plateau level.
Also, the front sight is too high. I'd rather have hold under than hold over. Nothe the yellow circles.
50 rounds of American Eagle, 492 since I got the gun.
I was the only Navy guy, and officer, in my dunker runs. The rest was enlisted Marine aircrew. In one of the dunks you wear goggles that are blacked out to simulate darkness, but it's all in a well lit (indoor, for me) pool with safety divers, as you see.
There is a trick to staying oriented, and I am comfortable and calm in the water. Even blind and upside down, with my sinuses and ears full of water. (It's top heavy, the UH-46 is, so it flips) The Marines? Some of them, not so much. If I didn't want to get a panicky kick in the face leaving I had to wait them out. So I was fine.
You wear, well we wore, flight gear, boots, helmet, gloves. Not bike helmets or what have you. Well, these aren't really aircrew types, I don't think. It is disorienting.
Their fake helicopter has much bigger hatches than mine did.
Just oodles of cringworthy safety gaffes from a time when even SAFE folks were a lot more tolerant of stuff you'd clinch up over today.
21 minutes of this? Yikes. Dang NRA.
4:00. Why did that simpleton choose an Auto-5 shotgun? Dunnine Kreuger, I guess. He doesn't know how dumb he is. Break action for him is wiser. At least people can see at a glance he isn't an immediate hazard.
5:00. Lady shooters. Doing coed outreach even back 75 years ago. I love the look of that gun range, too.
I love the wallpaper(8:35) and paneling (6:15). And that wool hunting coat! (11:45)
Here is the hapless protagonist about to do some home gunsmithing on his revolver. Unwise, in his case, surely, but what's this?
I figure Everytown is against both until they get their way. After that it doesn't matter and SHUT UP PEASANT! Don't make me sick our goon squad on you!
We have a symbiotic realtionship while both issues are hashed out in the courts.
Pro choice gunnies would call it parasitic. So would gun banning pro lifers.
We are symbiotic in that judges that rule according to rights of man tend to, right now, lean both to protecting human life by protecting self-defense rights and the right to live for at least some fetal stage level. Its just how it has worked out. It's hard to find a liberal-liberty activist judge all for abortion and all for armed self defense. More likely to find a anti abortion judge that also doesn't like guns, but those are rare too because of ways American judicial philosophy has evolved.
So when one single-issue faction gets a judge on the court, the other side is generally happy. Both sides win.
If abortion shifts to legislatures then that relationship is broken. If SCOTUS sends the abortion debate back to the lawmakers then abortion activists on both sides will concentrate on swaying Congress critters and Assembly whoseywhatsits.
Gunnies will no longer have allies fighting for judges. Our enemies the gun banners will no longer have pro-lifers as allies. But the net loss of enthusiasm getting 'right thinking' judges is more detrimental to the Conservative Constitutional side of the spectrum than it is to the Leftist Activist side, if Roe is set aside. Methinks. The other side, minus abortion types, still has much deeper pockets.
I hope Gun Rights and Pro Lifers, if they get issue-settling rulings, both get those ruling at about the same time. Or both recognize you can't let up the judicial pressure as the other side will come back if you let off any.
For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity above and beyond the call of duty on 6 June 1944, while serving with 16th Infantry Regiment, 1st Infantry Division, in action near Colleville-sur-Mer, France. First Lieutenant Monteith landed with the initial assault waves on the coast of France under heavy enemy fire. Without regard to his own personal safety he continually moved up and down the beach reorganizing men for further assault. He then led the assault over a narrow protective ledge and across the flat, exposed terrain to the comparative safety of a cliff. Retracing his steps across the field to the beach, he moved over to where two tanks were buttoned up and blind under violent enemy artillery and machinegun fire. Completely exposed to the intense fire, First Lieutenant Monteith led the tanks on foot through a minefield and into firing positions. Under his direction several enemy positions were destroyed. He then rejoined his company and under his leadership his men captured an advantageous position on the hill. Supervising the defense of his newly won position against repeated vicious counterattacks, he continued to ignore his own personal safety, repeatedly crossing the 200 or 300 yards of open terrain under heavy fire to strengthen links in his defensive chain. When the enemy succeeded in completely surrounding First Lieutenant Monteith and his unit and while leading the fight out of the situation, First Lieutenant Monteith was killed by enemy fire. The courage, gallantry, and intrepid leadership displayed by First Lieutenant Monteith is worthy of emulation.
They also named a dormitory after. All girls, I believe, when I was going there. He never lived there, naturally.
If Trump keeps talking banning suppressors, ESPECIALLY without getting anything in return, he'll lost, what? maybe 2 million gunnies? I'd say more, but plenty of gun folks aren't single issue voters and are pleased with other performances.
I mean, if he banned cans, but made it legal to open carry AR15s through the line at the post office on the way down to DC to walk around armed inside Smithsonian museums, some gunning might forgive his betrayal.
Or maybe on this we are taking him literally instead of seriously, what his foes do all the time?
Can he afford to possibly lose 2,000,000 votes because shennanigans?
Won't be many around at the next round number anniversary. 80. The soldiers, sailors, and airmen that were there. The absolute youngest will be pushing 100 by then.
WWII was always a big portion of my life. And now it will fade away. And I wasn't even around til 25 years after it was wall over.
Yesterday they upgrades my phone. Plain Old Telephone Service is no more. If the power goes out the phone will no longer work. Just like your smartphones. In an emergency no way to summon an ambulance to help someone or tell relatives that despite the emergency, I am fine. That's fine, I guess. I'm just feeling a little old.
Lots of folks at Normandy never got that chance, 75 years ago, to feel old. So I got that going for me.
I would not have thought all crime was down that much in NYC based on news reports of deterioration of quality of public life. I mean I can see murder rates continue to creep down, but I'd have guess nuisance crimes are up. And hate crimes in the city are spotlit recently.
There is also a possibility that the data collection has been tampered with, and purposely under reported for political reasons. Or if not data tampering, purposeful enforcement slow downs.
Or I could have been hoodwinked by inflated reports of rapid decay in the media.
Stumbled across an image I hadn't thought of in a long time.
1970s era flower decals. Like you might see on Laugh-In. Painted on Goldie Hawn.
True story. She is from this era and my parents lived in the same apartment as her sister, so they saw her a bit. Both before and after she bacame famous.
Anyway, went down an image search rabbit hole.
Ugh. There were on everything. The non skid in our bathtub, the glass on the sliding glass door so you wouldn't walk right into it. Parts of the 70s were really dumb.
Ralphie 'Coonman' Gosnell Northam, Democrat, and Governor of Virginia needs to not let any crisis go to waste. Mainly to distract from his position on infanticide, bedsheets, and shoe polish. So he is flagging the gun ban stuff in Virginia. He wants the 'common' sense measures of:
Universal background checks
Child access prevention
One gun a month limits
Banning assault weapons, including bump stocks
Requirement to report lost or stolen guns
Allowing localities to ban guns from municipal buildings
Red flag laws
NONE of which would have slowed down the killings in Virginia Beach. They'd only make Virginia more like Maryland. It wouldn't stop the next tragedy either. The killer's kids didn't get into his guns, he got them legally, he only had two and has had them for months, no gun was stolen, I bet they were plain Jane common as dirty Glock 21s, and he doesn't seem to be on any psychiatrist's radar.
Wait there is ONE measure that might have made a difference here. It might have made a 12 count victim list only two or three. Not ideal, but ask the family of victim number four or nine how they feel about. And that important measure is Item #6 on this list.
Well, the exact opposite of item #6.
Encourage localities to permit guns in municipal buildings, and other locales.
If one of his victims was carrying he might have been able to shootback. Guns were already forbidden in that gov't building by local policy and not state law. There really was nothing preventing someone one scene being able to fight back effectively.
Like Tam says: "Anybody who mandates you be disarmed in a country full of guns does not have your best interests at heart."
So the dude was 40. First Generation X shooter in a while. Not many GenX in history. Mass shooters are more a Boomer/Millennial thing. Maybe Luby's diner and McDonalds massacre shooed off GenX potential shooters.
Shooter reported to have anger issue. And 9 kids.
Good at math. Had to be to get past engineering calculus.
And F-ing Trump through gunnies under the bus, again, disparaging cans, out loud. He better nominate REALLY good judges. He's a metrocon, otherwise, when it comes to guns. I wish his son would help straighten him out.
I like Cleveland almost as much as I am comforted by my hometown. Why? It's neat! It's got that great river valley through it, it's a food town, I love metal industry, it has a water horizon. It was in Christmas Story.
There is a city I dream about. A recurring dream. It doesn't match DC or Cleveland, it is more of a combination of both. Maybe with a touch of New York thrown in, thanks to Sesame Street. And it comes accidentally. I have dreamed of this city long before I ever visited Cleveland. But it matches more than most real towns, this fake town in my head. That is stuck in 1955, with cars from 1970.
Which is why witnessing the 10 Cent Beer Night Baseball Riot would have been a hoot. Hey, I like Stroh's...
Cleveland is a small big city. You can get around it. Not like LA or Texas big towns. Chicago. And you can move while in it. Not like New York or DC or Philly with their traffic headaches.
"You like it because of a riot? You know the river burned there, T-Bolt?"
Yes, I know. I like the town, warts and all. Sometimes BECAUSE of the warts.
Yeah, yeah, you are used to this by now. And my usual Monday post ends up being me doing stream of consciousness.
Ummm. Lots of folks have been telling me, in the news, that they don't want to take my guns. And like all of you that makes me want to go buy more guns.
But not enough 'want' to get the juices flowing. So that means... what? Bog standard black plastic commodity 9mm pistols. A pair. Because I am like that.
Huh. I still have no hunting rifle and no bog standard 9. Why I gotta be so contrary?
That's pretty much the only impulse purchase for me, of anything I want.
An actual fair article in WTOP about the use of a suppressed .45 in Virginia Beach. It's not stupid and tries to give the slant from both side of the political spectrum, favoring neither.
Which is a damn sight better than the word vomit from the lesser news organization across town. The Washington Post.
Gun violence in America is unique not simply because of our culture but also because we have lawful weaponry that can kill many people very quickly. In terms of death-to-time ratio, single-shot weapons are preferable to multi-round handguns and handguns are preferable to the semiautomatic, and the favorite of mass shooters, the AR-15. It’s a simple calculation of time.
The actual hell does any of that mean, person that uses words for a living? If you paid for any of your education you need a refund. The piece is behind a paywall. Thank God. Not paying to see more of that nonsense.
People like her think she should write gun control laws and regulations, too. The unmitigated gall of her presumption. Like the thoughts of a child. You got enough room in the toes, there? Now hush.
Out of Virginia Beach. At least not by reading stuff online. Tam seems exasperated watching the newsreaders on TV. But that's her hobby. Back when blogs were a thing there'd be a lot more people combing for details. Sure, it got echo chambery, and you quickly learned not to trust as gospel just about everything you heard in the first 48 hours. But that's as true with PJ wearing bloggers as it is with Network anchors.
I'm sure much more information will be forthcoming over time.
Rumors and unconfirmed details I have heard. It was a .45. It had a 'silencer.' People heard gunshots. Disgruntled employee. Gov't municipal building. Cop armor kept one cop from being seriously injured. 11, 12, or 13 dead, half that injured. Probably 12, plus gunman. The gunman is a registered Democrat. His name may be DeWayne Craddock.
Dunno if you can carry in that kind of state government building in Virginia. So, don't know if the vicitims were disarmed. If it was prohibited it would be posted.
Seemed to have been some police presence on site or nearby. Sailor Curt might know better. It's his neck of the woods.
To be confident and competent enough with a rifle to be able to hit anything I can see in a Jovian Thunderbolt kind of way.
To be able to defend myself with a handgun.
To perhaps harvest some tasty venison with either a rifle or a shotgun, any skin or antler is just a nice bonus, here.
And, if necessary: To Defend the Ramparts of Democracy from a Level 4 Zombie Outbreak or against the Jacobin, Rampaging, Godless, Red-Commie Hordes (or their modern equivalent.)
"You never select a shotgun as your primary anti-zombie firearm. It's great for onesy twosey, but zombies travel in hordes. The reload time is onerous, and the ammo, while effective, is heavy and bulky and short ranged."
Big Mistake for Her
If Ginsberg had let Scalia put the words "strict scrutiny" in Heller and Hillary said "Gun control is just not going to be a priority for my administration," Hillary would have been elected President.
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Taking the First Steps Pistol Orientation
My latest article on Shooting Illustrated is posted.
https://www.shootingillustrated.com/content/taking-the-first-steps/ Wisely,
the NRA Education & Traini...
The New Resistance to the 2A
You can see the resistance is shaping up around “sensitive places” doctrine
and “good moral character.” I remember seeing a comment from Prof. Adam
Light blogging
Minor medical condition taken care of. Nothing to worry about. But requires
a lot of couch time. Back later. Kamagra Ohne Rezept Kaufen
Eighteen Years Ago Today...
Eighteen years ago today, my son was born. TheBoy entered the collective
conscious, bringing "father" to the list of names I proudly wear. He's off
to the ...
We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.