Monday, September 21, 2020

Indian Factor

 Saw this book by Bill O'Reilly.  Killing Crazy Horse.  

Yes, that O'Reilly.  That talking head television personality.  So I squint a little.

I don't like to consume my pop-History from a TV star, but, the subject matter...

I am a little lacking in depth of knowledge of the Indian wars.  And this book seems to cover a huge part of it.  1811 through the opening of the 20th C.  I'd like to brush up.  Can anyone recommend another book that covers that whole era or more (not just post Civil War farther west stuff). And I am looking History, not "whoa the noble savage and despicable pale faces" treatise pretending to be history.  You all know me.  You know what I want.  

Heck, you might tell me that O'Reilly did a truly phenomenal job and historians should praise his work here.  That's fine, too.  Butt up against my prejudices.  


Angus McThag said...

Being deep into a dive into the Indian Wars...

There's not a single good book that gives an overview.

There's several lesser works that give glimpses.

As soon as Willard gets out of hospital, I should be able to get you titles.

Anonymous said...

O'Reilly is a good historian.