Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Whitey is inciting violence

 The past week I've hear a talking point that the "right-wing is the one inciting violence at otherwise peaceful protests".  You know, like at Minneapolis and Kenosha.

Here is the latest, but it's not the only.  

I can't find via google the other ones I have seen, including people being mocked for it on Twitter.  So it must not be getting any traction.

I am highly dubious that anyone right of center is sparking arson, vandalism, robbery, assault, and murder. From the Left.  

And what does that say about the Left that they are so easily manipulated by small numbers of shadowy forces.  Force able to cause them to drop their peaceful principles and hurt and destroy folks.  If these proto-Marxists so easily lose their self-control unwillingly perhaps they should refrain from going outside.  They know they lack self-discipline and are a potential physical threat to themselves or others.  The moral thing for Democrats to do is seek help before they hurt someone else. 


McChuck said...

The Left is the abusive husband, always telling his wife how her action or inaction causes her beatings.

Marty said...

Explain why Hollywood is bailing them out of jail and paying their legal fees?