Saturday, February 14, 2009

Old Ammo 2

Check these two out. The one on the left is regular ball ammo, now. The other is an odd older Remington semi-wadcutter. The wadcutter has a reputation of jamming in some semi-auto pistols, but I had no problem.

It had noticeably LESS kick and noticeable bigger and brighter flash out the muzzle. The bullet weighed 185 grain instead of the usual 230 grain. It shot better, but didn’t cut nice holes in the paper, as I usually expect such guys to do.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Since these are factory made, they have a sloped shoulder to encourage feeding in random pistols and discourage the creation of disappointed customers.
And, nice homage to "View from the Porch".

WV: terse-I try