Saturday, September 14, 2019

Good Point, John Nolte

The only Democrat person criticizing Beto his talk about gun confiscation is Senator Coons.  And not because Coons disagrees with Beto.  Coons is worried about political blowback now that the truth is out about what the Democrats want to do. 

That means all the Democrats agree with gun confiscation, in violation of the Constitution.

No Democrat of any note has yet to contradict Beto. 

Don't lose sight of that. And watch out for squishy GOP types that will go along, or maybe put a milquetoast fight like, "well, don't confiscate them NOW. Wait 5 years or so. That's a 'conservative' attitude."

Beto said it, admitting it on live, nation-wide TV what our side has always said they wanted (but were called crazy and over-reaching for pointing it out), the lefty crowd in the audien CHEERED him for it, and the party leadership never contradicted him, just lamented her made a gaff by admitting the truth. They will start a civil war because of rifles that kill maybe 300 Americans a year.

Beto is not an outlier. He is Democrat leadership mainstream.

1 comment:

Jeff the Baptist said...

Buttigieg is also criticizing Beto. Mayor Pete is not pro-gun. He thinks that Trump is soft on gun rights as is Mitch McConnell, so now is the time to deal to advance the gun control agenda.