Saturday, February 1, 2020

That's Reasonable

A near foolproof way to test the validity of Catastrophic Climate Change Claims?

Cheap and fast!

And it will never happen.

The people making the false claims now will obstruct it from ever being rationally validated because they already know the conclusions.  Their lies and fraud will be exposed and a massive money and political edifice focused on the subject will come crumbling down, to their detriment.  Duh.


McChuck said...

The decision makers care not one whit for public opinion. See the Virginia gun rights debacle and Obamacare for reference.

I submit that NOAA and NASA, as known malefactors in the climate data tampering scandals, are part of the problem, not part of the solution. Unless you mean to purge the miscreants from the organizations. Which would involve purging their political masters, as well.

Marty said...

But, Tbolt! The sky is falling! We'll all be dead in 12 years!