Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Romero Mission, Cancun Mexico
It's been a while since I gave you readers a story about the super-secret elite team of American Zombie Eradicators that I am proud to be a member of. Yes another Romero entry. For those that haven't caught up, it's Ghoul Elimination Organization, Rapid Multi-Eradication Recon Ops or: GEOrge RoMERO. But this time I don't have any undead-head-splattering tales of excitement and/or drudgery.
The Command decided the RoMERO teams needed some R&R a few years back, so a practice mission was cut short and became a party week instead. We needed it. We had had a few close calls and were losing our edge. Too wound up. The rate of operations tempo had put a lot of pressure on us and that was making us sloppy. Frank came closest to getting chewed on, and he partied the hardest.
I still can't stand the smell of tequila, I got so sick.
Maybe next time, the gov't can pop for the scratch to send us IN season. It was damned hot out. Not too crowded though, in August.
And, here's a tip for resort hotel owners. Don't hassle a group of guys with access to mil-spec quality dye markers used to better show a lifeboat's position from the air. They really mess up a swimming pool.
We were a bit rambunctious. This almost became RoMERO's version of Tailhook '91. And I came this close to attending that last Tailhook, too, when I was in the Navy. If there had been another seat on the C-130 out of Pensacola I would have been kicked out for that. Instead of the other thing I was kicked out for
Tally this trip, 0 zombies retired, but quite a few porecelain conveniences sullied. Truth effectively suppressed in the middle of a Mexican Vacation Mecca. No injuries to Romero team other than Frank, during the belly-flop competion. Cover story back home: "YOU got to go to Jamaica with YOUR work colleagues, I'm going to Mexico with mine!" You're welcome...
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
That's what I like about black font on a white background. It doesn't SCREAM "Using the Internet at work!!!!"
Gray on light, like Tam and Denise is ok for me.
White letters on a black background has a workaround. Hit Ctrl-A to highlight everything and you can inverse the color. I do THAT at home, as white on black strains my eyes almost as bad and blue on red. Xavier and Armed School Teacher have white on black. LabRat got away from the black background and I can't thank em enough
But parchment beige is hard to hide. Like Trailers, and War On Guns. Dang it.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Some People
Other than that I am on the fence about naming a rifle. Don't want to fetishize or anthropomorphize a gun. That's what the bad guys do. It's how they assign a moral value to an item rather than an action. Gummint Cheez is just funny, and I can get away with it.
I need a Callahan Full Bore Auto-lock, double cartridge and ~mumble-mmmble~, with a custom trigger.
A Vera.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
What did ya'all git?
The gun related item I got was a book. Not just ANY book. A book from way back in the hoary mists of time. The 1950's!!!
The New OFFICIAL GUN BOOK Fifth Edition ~ 1954-55
I love this kind of stuff. The book smell old and musty. The pictures are black and white and of that era. People target shoot in suits. With ties.
It's like reading the 50 year old Guns Magazine editions. And you know how I like them.
They talk about ONE DAY, maybe, the Garand will be available through the Department of Civilian Marksmanship. But probably not. Too advanced a rifle, you see.
There is no general cartridge that can really do better than the .30-06 (still valid), but if there IS, it will be the .22 Hornet or .250-3000 Miracle. And we all know how popular those are, here, 50 years later.
The military has a new round out that is a short .30-06. It looks to be pretty decent. Called the .308.
Reloaders use their gut to wildcat new loads. Scroo that dang slide rule thingy. Won't tell you nuffin'.
They guess there are a few pistol available in Europe. The Luger. The Hi Power. That old Mauser thing. But that's about it. Why would you want a gun from there? They lost the war.
Except Mauser rifles. DANG good rifles. May even become popular with hunters, those bolt action types. Never be more popular than the lever actions.
"How to start a one man ammunition factory." Reload at home? Hmm...
Plenty of good stuff, too. Like how to use a sling and assume the standard military firing positions for target shooting your rifle.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
High Capacity Magazines
There have been bans on so-called 'High Capacity Magazine' in various jurisdictions. Including Maryland.
What they are banning is REGULAR Capacity Magazines. The magazine that was designed to go with the firearm. Often, they will require the sale of Gimped Magazine. Magazines altered to hold less than the optimal number of cartridges. Also known as 'broken' magazines.
Maryland isn't so bad. Some jurisdictions make it a no-no to possess a magazine made after a certain date that holds more than 10 rounds. Maryland says you can't sell, in the state, a magazine after a certain date that holds more than 20.
This 'manufactured after a certain date' thing causes an artificial market, and old magazine fetch a price premium. $20 in and new in Virginia can cost $60 and used in Massachusetts. And how do you tell if it's the right vintage? Carbon dating? Whatever the District Attourney says it is?
Silly, isn't it?
And what purpose does it serve other than to inconvenience and cow lawful gun owners? Say you have a crazed maniac that follows all the gun laws and gun magazine laws except the one law where it says "Don't shoot a whole bunch of innocent people." So he complies with all but that one and only shoots 10 times into a crowd instead of 12 because of the mag restriction?
What about the Virginia Tech Shooter? Wouldn't a mag restriction in Virginia have helped? He shot and killed 32 people. Shot a lot more than that out of his Glock, reports say there were 170 shots fired. Would much have changed if he had to have a lot of 10 round magazines with him instead of a lot of 15 round magazines? Probably not.
Magazine retrictions are a gun control law that does nothing to help its stated purpose of protecting the law abiding from predators.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Welly wellywellywelly well!

It's modular, cool-lookin', probally will come in .308, and will have a decent factory trigger.
And it should be a bit cheaper than the SIG Blaser:

Hat tip to Firearm Blog.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Xmas List
Seems like Ahab started something with his Christmas List, and I wanted to post my list here.
1. For my Utah CCW to come before January 20th.
2. A scope mount for the M1A. The expensive kind.
3. An ACOG scope to go with that mount. (I just saw I Am Legend, and I liked his ACOG. I’m fickle though and it will be EOTech next week, I am sure. (The EOTech is less capable, but 1/3rd the price))
4. A gun company to come back with a new and improved Marlin Camp Carbine style rifle in .45ACP. Or for me to get my head screwed on right when it comes to carbines.
5. For HarryBarryNancy to spend a lot of effort pushing through relatively week anti-gun legislation, and ultimately fail to pass anything and cause a backlash and rollback in 2010-11
And that doesn’t include re-loading equipment! But really, do I need another time consuming hobby? I’ll resist re-loading until I am desperate for affordable pistol ammo. I should add to the list “HarryBarryNancy magically comes around on guns and release US Surplus ammo and M-14’s for CMP sale.”
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
She even has a gun-content pome:
My Life had stood -- a Loaded Gun --
In Corners -- till a Day
The Owner passed -- identified --
And carried Me away --
And now We roam in Sovereign Woods --
And now We hunt the Doe --
And every time I speak for Him --
The Mountains straight reply --
And do I smile, such cordial light
Upon the Valley glow --
It is as a Vesuvian face
Had let its pleasure through --
And when at Night -- Our good Day done --
I guard My Master's Head --
'Tis better than the Eider-Duck's
Deep Pillow -- to have shared --
To foe of His -- I'm deadly foe --
None stir the second time --
On whom I lay a Yellow Eye --\
Or an emphatic Thumb --
Though I than He -- may longer live
He longer must -- than I --
For I have but the power to kill,
Without -- the power to die –
Isn’t that nice, Emily Post actually was a shottist. Or had shottist sympathies. Er, or not... And you can sing the pome to the tune from the theme to Gilligan’s Island.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Collective Right
You still see statements like that in comments trolls on verious political commentaries.
Those people need to be reminded that the Supreme Court ruled that, HELLZ yeah!, it's an indivudual right. All 9 justices agreed that it was an individual right, even the 4 that thought DC hadn't violated that individual right.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Gun Laws
The first are tyrants that will lie cheat and steal to gain power of you and enslave as many as possible. They have a thirst for power and will wield said power with malice. These people are in the minority. I say this not just because I am optimist and believe that at heart, Americans are good and decent and NOT monsters, but because if these power hungry dictators weren’t a minority their boots would already be on our necks, literally and figuratively, and none of us would have a firearm.
The other type are the decent folk that just want to DO something to help. They pass ineffective laws out of naivete or cynically, either way they appear to be DOING something about a concern and the people clamoring for a solution wrongly give them props and credit for trying.
To this second group of people (both the passers and the clamorers) we need to convey a simple message:
Stop passing gun laws. They target only the law abiding at this point and do nothing to alleviate current levels of violence. Start enforcing current criminal laws, and keep violent predators out of circulation, and you will achieve your desired result of less gun violence.
When your duly elected rep starts spouting off about a new gun restriction call them up and simply ask "Why are you going after me instead of going after criminals?" They'll say they are, but that is easy to contradict with facts.
People that say new gun laws will cut gun crime are lying. They are knowingly disseminating provable falsehoods more than 90% of the time.
- Guns in the home 43 times more likely to injure you than stop a crime? Kellerman lied.
- Guns weren’t common in our nations heritage so the current prevalence of firearms is an anomaly promulgated by a rich gun industry lobby? Bellesiles lied about the history and was stripped of his academic awards. The firearm industry is NOT that rich in this country and the NRA is strong because of small donor members.
- If conceal carry is passed the state will have Dodge City shoot out because of arguments over parking spaces? Well despite warning that hasn’t happened in the 30+ states it has been tried, and the Old West shootout myth is a Hollywood construct and a lie in itself. Dodge City’s crime rate was a lot lower than assumed.
- Criminals, mass murderers, and 9-11 terrorists bought their weapons at wholly unregulated gun shows, so gun shows need to be banned? Lies. Gun show dealers run the same checks as in their stores. The 9-11 terrorists used box cutters, and the VaTech shooter bought his gun at a store. Gun Show Loophole laws would only impact private sales, person to person, inside and outside of gun shows. Gun Show Loophole laws’ purpose are back door registration for later tracking and confiscation when a more.
- Etc.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Stealth Vault

Thursday, December 18, 2008
Lil' Thunders
LawDog was actually loud enough to hear. Last week, technical glitches forced him to do his call-in via sign language. Not good for radio.
And this week, my radio cut out during someone named Lissa. My tech glitch that time. I’ll have to go back and listen to the last 10 minute.
But as to their subject… For me, personally. I’ve toyed with the idea of a small cheap .380 like the Bersa or Ruger or, now, the Kahr. And a snub-nosed .38 revolver is on my list. Both ideas appeal to me because they are inexpensive, they fire ammo I already have, and you can conceal them for carry in the summertime a lot easier than you can the 1911.
A radical departure for me would be to skip all that and go with a small, inexpensive, .40 to go along with my SIG. The SIG is small, but it’s big. Does that make sense? It’s about as small as a serious pistol gets. And smaller and you have grip problems if you possess meaty paws. Well not PROBLEMS, per se, but you have to make adjustments. You are sliding on the other side of the size graph with anything smaller. What is that graph? On one end is too large to conceal, the other end is too small to hold or less effective. The mid point, in my mind and others, is something the size of the Colt Commander. 4 inchish barrel, full size grip, serious caliber, the smallest thing Jeff Cooper recommended carrying. But Jeff Cooper wouldn’t have walked around in the same stylish look I like to sport in the summertime: Speedo swimsuit and a half-t-shirt.
The SIG 229 is about this size, too. Commander size. My 5 inchish barrel 1911 is full size and is know as Government. There is an even smaller 1911, called Officer. Barrel length in the 3’s, and Cooper thought it marginal for the negative accuracy impact the length conveys. It was a replacement for stuff like the 1908 Colt Pocket Hammerless. Barrel lengths have been approximate because some manufacturers monkey with the length a bit.
So, what WOULD be my small .40 to complement the SIG in Speedo weather? A smaller SIG like the P239? Expensive. A smaller Glock or Springfield? Maybe. It really IS a compromise. You’d rather not have to carry something that small, with your pinky hanging out below the grip, flapping in the breeze. It’s one of those cases where you TRY to get a serious caliber, but got something so small so you’d at least be able to HAVE something. The most important thing you want to have in a gunfight is a gun, and this would be that gun. It’s a .40 trying to take the place of a pocket gun but there are precious few pocket guns.
Speaking of that. How much harder would it be to have a pocket gun in 9mm? It’s got a bit more oomph than the .380 but the round is only 2mm longer. Why no KelTec 6 shot mini in 9mm? Well. There is a KelTec 9mm, but it’s not as wee as the .380. There must be a reason. Not that I’m anxious to add another ammo type to my inventory. If I want a marginal round I’ll just stick with the .380.
Anyway, no hurry. I’d have to try a few small summer pistols to decide. No manufacturer has an advantage on my preference, and the priority is low. I could buy a snub revolver or spare mini .380 sight unseen at any rate without agonizing over a choice, it is that low a priority. But it’s fun contemplating, which is why I do it.
It’s also cheap to just contemplate.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Old Stuff
One item I noted was that if I was really flush with cash I could get something like the pretty rifles made by a Dan Cooper.
Little did I know the controversy that would erupt when Dan, the president and founder of the rifle manfacturer, would come out as whole-hog anathema to American citizen's Civil Rights and support a demonstrably anti-rights candidate! The company has been mending fences with gun enthusiasts since that disastrous self-inflicted wound. The board has exiled Cooper and apologized profusely. Good. With time, the wound may heal, the rift close.
It's better than can be said for H-S Precision, which sought and got the endorsement of disgraced FBI sniper Lon Horiuchi for their line of rifle stocks. That 's like using Josef Mengele to endorse your extra-strength rat poison (strong enough to kill a grandparent!) or OJ Simpson endorsing your Chef's knives. H-S Precision must be good buddies with Lon because they put out a half-butted apology that just peeved people off more. Sort of a, "we're sorry YOU were offended."
And now the first indoor range I shot at, Blue Ridge in Virginia, went on TV and bragged his gun sales were going great and he vote for Obama. He made it sound like "I'm really soaking those cousin-humping rednecks." He too apologized. He didn't want it to sound like he disdained one side of the political spectrum, and that he was trying to stress inclusiveness to both sides, and it came out all wrong. Or something. The jury is still out on this situation.
All three give me a bad taste in my mouth to one extent or another. I'm not in a hurry to spend my money with any of them at this point.
Back in the hoary mists of time Smith and Wesson betrayed gunnies by adopting a anti-gun system and supporting Clinton Era restrictions openly. Ruger, led by its founder, also came out against regular sized magazines and endorsed gimped miniature magazines, restricting their capacity artificially. I can sort of see their position. They saw what happened to the cigarette makers and thought they were next up on the lawsuit chopping block. Company destroying product liability cases seemed to be working their way up the food chain. To survive they rationalized they may have to pre-emtively submit to the big Federal Dog, and devil take the hindmost customer. They'd take that customer's money now, but throw him or her under the bus tomorrow. And it looked like that would be the way of the world in perpetuity. Since then, laws against product liability came out. Gun owners helped vote out an anti-gun majority in Congress, anti-gun researchers like Bellisiles were exposed as frauds, and the Supreme Court agreed unanimously that an individual has a right to bear arms and the 'collective right' idea was just so much baloney. Whoda thunk that sort of an environment would exist today? And S&W and Ruger are coming around, becoming 'normal' gun manufacturers again. Not just lap dogs hold the razor to cut their own throat. Of course, they and others could swing back to the submissive role out of fear at a moment's notice, but it is less likely in light of recent gains.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Why Utah Conceal Carry Permit?
It still wouldn't count for Maryland. You have to be friends with O'Malley or Mikulski to get a permit in MD. Or there are several police report documented threats against you. If you know Babs, you get the permit in a week. If a street gang in your neighborhood wants to kill you it takes about 8 months.
Other ways to get a permit in MD. Be a cop. Be a armored car driver. Carry large amounts of cash for your business. Transport a lot of firearms for legitimate purposes. Be a foreign national with God-knows what crimes in your home country but work for an embassy here.
Florida issues out of state, but they are much more expensive. Easier to get though, as FL doesn't require a training certificate. I have a training cert for Utah. Utah coast $65.25 and less to renew every 5 years.
Oddly, Florida doesn't accept Utah out of state permits. Probably want that permit money for themselves. Once across the Potomac I could carry a pistol in my sock all the way through to Arizona, or from PA through to Indiana and south from there.
YOU can carry in Alaska and Vermont, if you owned a gun. In Alaska, preferrably a BIG gun. Don't end up like Grizzly Man.
Monday, December 15, 2008
The meme going around. 100 things I've done. Those in bold, are it.
1. Started your own blog.
2. Slept under the stars.
3. Played in a marching band. (theramin)
4. Visited Hawaii. (Never been west of Albequerque)
5. Watched a meteor shower.
6. Given more than you can afford to charity. (What have those beggars given to ME?!)
7. Been to Disneyland. (Disney World, actually)
8. Climbed a mountain. (Sugarloaf in Frederick Maryland count? Probably not.)
9. Held a praying mantis. (many times)
10. Sang a solo. (… make it simple… to last the whole day looooooooong)
11. Bungee jumped. (never with a bungee cord)
12. Visited Paris. (I was kicked out of Toulon, though. Damn Frogs.)
13. Watched a lightning storm at sea.
14. Taught yourself an art from scratch. (Cabinetmaking is more a craft…)
15. Adopted a child. (Not allowed to.)
16. Had food poisoning. (Ohhhhhh, Sun-Brewed mayonaise)
17. Walked to the top of the Statue of Liberty. (it was closed)
18. Grown your own vegetables. (If you mean by ‘grow’, ‘avoid like the plague’)
19. Seen the Mona Lisa in France.
20. Slept on an overnight train. (On the list of things to do.)
21. Had a pillow fight.
22. Hitch hiked. (Wearing a uniform during the first Gulf War had bennies even for a slob like me.)
23. Taken a sick day when you’re not ill.
24. Built a snow fort.
25. Held a lamb.
26. Gone skinny dipping.
27. Run a Marathon. (HA!)
28. Ridden in a gondola in Venice.
29. Seen a total eclipse.
30. Watched a sunrise and sunset.
31. Hit a home run. (T-Ball, 3rd Grade.)
32. Been on a cruise. (Paid for by the US Gov’t. I even slept in the CPO compartment)
33. Seen Niagara Falls in person.
34. Visited the birthplace of your ancestors. (I’ve been to Washington DC many times, since I live 6 miles from it.)
35. Seen an Amish community.
36. Taught yourself a new language. (HTML)
37. Had enough money to be truly satisfied. (I sorta have this now, as long as no extra big expenses crop up)
38. Seen the Leaning Tower of Pisa in person.
39. Gone rock climbing.
40. Seen Michelangelo's David.
41. Sung karaoke.
42. Seen Old Faithful geyser erupt. (Albequerque)
43. Bought a stranger a meal at a restaurant.
44. Visited Africa. (I could see the shore from the ship.)
45. Walked on a beach by moonlight.
46. Been transported in an ambulance. (Boy Scouts fake wounds/triage to train firefighters and paramedic.)
47. Had your portrait painted.
48. Gone deep sea fishing.
49. Seen the Sistine Chapel in person.
50. Been to the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris.
51. Gone scuba diving or snorkeling. (Snorkeling yes, my friggin ears!)
52. Kissed in the rain. (how can you not?)
53. Played in the mud. (see above)
54. Gone to a drive-in theater. (Saw Hancock, ET, Horton hears a Who, and the Doberman Gang.)
55. Been in a movie.
56. Visited the Great Wall of China.
57. Started a business.
58. Taken a martial arts class. (pistol training)
59. Visited Russia. (I’m no gotdem commy!)
60. Served at a soup kitchen.
61. Ate Girl Scout Cookies.
62. Gone whale watching.
63. Got flowers for no reason.
64. Donated blood, platelets or plasma.
65. Gone sky diving. (See bungee jumping,)
66. Visited a Nazi Concentration Camp.
67. Bounced a check. (I don’t think… over draft covered my butt once.)
68. Flown in a helicopter. (Uncle Sam's)
69. Saved a favorite childhood toy.
70. Visited the Lincoln Memorial. (nor the Washington Monument, nor Jefferson… I am a Washingtonian. We never do that.)
71. Eaten Caviar. (and other fish roe)
72. Pieced a quilt.
73. Stood in Times Square.
74. Toured the Everglades. (GATORS!)
75. Been fired from a job. (for once I want to go to a new job after not having to leave one because of a layoff or a bidness failure.)
76. Seen the Changing of the Guards in London.
77. Broken a bone. (rib, arm, sesamoid bone, but not all at once.)
78. Been on a speeding motorcycle.
79. Seen the Grand Canyon in person.
80. Published a book. (Want to.)
81. Visited the Vatican.
82. Bought a brand new car. (Never again.)
83. Walked in Jerusalem.
84. Had your picture in the newspaper. (Boy Scouts.)
85. Read the entire Bible. (Old Testament, mostly, so far. New is next.)
86. Visited the White House. (See Lincoln Memorial. WASHINGTONIAN.)
87. Killed and prepared an animal for eating. (Kill and cleaned fish, cleaned deer.)
88. Had chickenpox.
89. Saved someone’s life. (I’ve refrained from killing someone that deserved it. Does that count?)
90. Sat on a jury.
91. Met someone famous.
92. Joined a book club. (Sci Fi in Jr. High)
93. Lost a loved one.
94. Had a baby. (men can’t have babies)
95. Seen the Alamo in person. (My boots have never touched Texas soil.)
96. Swam in the Great Salt Lake.
97. Been involved in a law suit.
98. Owned a cell phone. (Not yet. I am a Luddite.)
99. Been stung by a bee. (The pool in my childhood neighborhood was on the other side of a cloverfield… Many foot stings.)
100. Read an entire book in one day.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Cooper Sez
Well! So if I center my group, seen below, I should shrug off the tightening and let that happen naturally. And for that I may receive the blessings of Colonel Cooper, as long as I train and concentrate on other aspects? Works for me.
Other aspects:
Mindset, including a calm and ready mind.
Smooth deliberate holster draw.
Gaming scenarios, internally. Exits. Escape routes. If A happens now, I will do B, if C happens then D and E.
Though I have a feeling if I fix that group by shifting to center that’ll mean my trigger squeeze is better and that’ll mean my groups will tighten of their own accord.
One day… One day… That little red spot in the middle of the Shoot N See target will be afraid of me. Fear me, Spot!!! Your days? They are numbered!

Saturday, December 13, 2008
Friday, December 12, 2008
My Buddy's Time Machine
We've already discussed that he'd recommend to himself that instead of 24 cheaper guns, to get a dozen higher quality things.
He's also totally turned around on caliber choices. Before, he was all about the 9mm and .223, now he believes .45 and .308 is a wiser decision.
What else?
Remember, there was no internet back in those days. He had to rely on shooting magazines. Had he listened to them, and had the money, he'd have a revolver that shot .41 caliber, and a 10mm pistol, too. Rounds that have gone down in popularity since. Normal police carried revolvers almost exclusively, then. Anything he could have told his younger self would have helped avoid those pitfalls.
What he DID listen to from the shooting magazines was that the Beretta .40, Double Action only pistol with an integral laser sight INSIDE the guide rod and a threaded barrel for a suppressor was the be-all, end-all, must-have pistol for now and for all time for every super-cop, special forces Operator, and all Mall Ninjas in the know. When he got it, the laser on the .45 long-slide that the Terminator used in the first movie was the norm... as big as a rifle scope, so the mini laser in the new Beretta was the ultimate. And the gun was expensive. Very. what should be the pride of his aresenal, the ONE pistol that all the cool fancy guys were going to carry from then on out was this Baretta .40, DA, with a threaded barrel and an integral laser sight. And super-cops and Operators use... what now? Not that Beretta, not double action, and rarely lasers. The darn laser eats through batteries, too. Maybe he should have gotten a Colt Python instead. They were still making them back then, I think. He doesn't regret the purchase, and is, in fact, contemplating a CX4 carbine to complement it, now. So, all's well that ends well.
Would he advise himself to get Remington shotguns instead of Mossbergs? Not that much of a differential there. Maybe he'd recommend a few less Mini-14s. Better 2 M1As than 4 Mini-14s, he thinks now. Not that he has 4 Mini-14s. He has 9 or 10. He's very happy with Ruger .22s and revolvers. And he adores his S&W .44. No change there. The only .223 he'd get would be an actual AR, and that would be a later acquisition. Less of a priority. Especially with the M1A 7.62mm goodness.
How about his first pistol? It is a S&W 9mm. Maybe he could have convinced himself to get a actual Colt 1911 instead. And eschew 9mm for the most part, maybe? 9mm has a utility in pistol and carbine. It's handier for small folks. He'd certainly avoid .40.
But the market then isn't the market now. He couldn't get a first generation Glock way back in the misty recesses of time, no matter how bad you wanted one. And to get a Glock 21, .45ACP, he'd have to wait some more. He does like the Glock.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Reciprocity Map
I wonder how well this is updated?
But if you dig around in that site you can find links to the text of various state laws and find out the specifics before a visit. Like "What constitutes a restaurant in that state I am visiting next month, and hence can carry, and what constitutes a bar, where I can't. Do they recognize MY out of state permit or not there?" Important stuff. Stuff to NOT mess up.
For instance, I thought WVA would accept a Utah Non Residential Permit. They do not.
CCW Training Report
Training, sir!
What kind of training?
ARMY TRAINING, SIR! (props to Bill Murray, Stripes.)
Ok, so I went training on Pearl Harbor day. It was a double class, so it was a full Sunday of Gun Goodness.
The pre-requisite for the CCW class is an NRA Basic Pistol or First Steps. The trainer, CRAIG COLLINS of Maryland Firearm Training Group does a thorough job, I thought, and there were 2 women with me in the class that had never shot a gun before. And this First Steps class was the morning session. I thought this class would be a review, and I wouldn't learn anything, but I did pick up a tip or two. Like a better way to load a revolver. It's harder on a lefty and more natural for a righty, but it's still good system for me. When you flip open the cylinder, stick your middle 2 fingers through the hole the cylinder leaves, and support them under the back strap. Now your thumb can control the cylinder rotation AND press the ejector rod. There is better control that way.
Now Craig Collins is a contractor for a company working in a part of the world between Egypt and India. He's ex-military too. MP it seems. His job is VIP protection related, and he has to carry and use firearms for his job. That's cool enough, but he clearly LOVES teaching people how to shoot. When we went to the range, the ladies were first. One, Erin, was more nervous than the other, Jen, so Jen shot first. She did pretty well for a first timer. The target is a full sized silhouette with a notepaper sized rectangle drawn on the chest with chalk. Most all of Jen's were in the rectangle. I doubt I did as well back on that Navy ship in 1990, at my first pistol shoot. Nervous Erin was even better! The nervous/excited women always seem to shoot like target champions in my experience. She even fell in love with the Glock. That's what they shot. A S&W Model 10 with .38 special, and a Glock 17 in 9mm. Erin even got a spent casing INSIDE her shooting glasses. After a bit of drama for that she went right back to making a big shot-out hole in the middle of the target.
They left, and it was my turn. Craig knew I was a shooter so the .38 was first just to gauge my skill and if we could move on the CCW specific training. I did ok here. Then, the excitement, began.
We brought my Sig for this, though I had the 1911. My holster was the plain-Jane Serpa holster with a little catch release that retains it. This little release would be my curse, though Instructor Craig likes them and uses that type himself. (He's also a bit of a Glock man... won't hold that against him. Heck MBtGE is a Glock man.) My biggest hang up was getting past this little button on the draw.
First is the standard draw. It's a six or seven step exercise that I was already familiar with thanks to Jeff Cooper and similar types. From ready chest you Grab the grip, support hand still on your chest, Present the pistol by rocking your elbow down, forearm parallel to the deck and still close to your side, Slap your support hand into position on the grip, Look by extending your arms into shooting postion by pushing the pistol away from your body, then the sights are there and your can shoot. If you have a 1911 or other type pistol with a safety you have to add "Click" after the Slap where you get that safety off. Great, another thing to slow me down.
After a few practice runs, we went to timing the event. Those little buzzer clocks you see on pistol training videos for shot timing? He used one of those. It is amazing how quickly 2 seconds goes by. He upped it to 2.1 seconds, and if the push button on the holster didn't hold me up I'd beat that time. Sometimes. If you want to beat the clock AND see your front sight you have to have a good grip right from the grab. No time to change it up. And then your support hand has to hit position as though it lived there. And neither grip worked out the way it was supposed to even half the time. LOTS of dryfire practice at home due, to get that grip automatic, to get that holster button release automatic, and to bring the overall time down, is called for. LOTS and lots. Of practice. Also, you better have a decent squeeze for the trigger already in place in your muscle memory, because when you are doing this for real or you are being timed, things are happening fast, and it's not time to THINK about squeezing, you just have to do so. It's hard. Practice is vital.
We progressed through that and did some one handed drills. These targets are set and interview distance. 6 feet for so. One is firing just after the rock forward of your elbow after draw, so NO sighting is possible. When your forearm is parallel to the deck, you fire. If you need to, you can extend from here. It's all pointing. Point shooting. Anathema to Jeff Cooper, in most cases. You done let a bad guy get too close, but you don't get to choose the moment. I did my most 'missing' at this stage where the round hit in a non-center-mass area. Only one sailed over the target's shoulder, and the others would have put a real damper on the bad guy's day. Especially the round in the groin.
There is another drill called the ATM drill. You face the wall with your hands on it. When the buzzer sounds you shoot one handed, full extension, at the target to your side.
So we got the practice out of the way before the actual theory part. All to save a second trip to the range.
Classroom lecture went over shoot/no-shoot, draw/no-draw, and display/no-display situations (short answer, as you'd expect, is very few 'shoot' situations, and unless it's shoot, it's none of the others.). Some legal aspects. The importance of planning trips if you are going to multiple CCW states. Also went over the Cooper style mindset color codes that I have already internalized like the 4-Rules, and a new concept to me: The 4 D's.
The 4 D's are intersting, but I have to find them again. They include Divert, Disable and Destroy, I think, and I'll explain them further when I can locate them. You have to get inside a bad guy's OODA loop. If you have shot a bad guy 6 times and 4 of those bullets exited out the back and the guy is bleeding from 10 holes and is lying there and raises his pistol to point it at you, then YOU DIDN'T SHOOT HIM ENOUGH.
My only regret was not getting MORE range time and maybe try out the 1911, and work on that one specific problem of mine of shooting low and right. Dangit. One other tip I picked up to address that, possibly, is to watch out for the part of my palm where the trigger finger meets the hand. A LOT of movement under that pad when you work the squeeze.
I look forward to doing another more advanced class with this guy after he comes back from overseas work in April. Need to save my pennies for Basic Defensive Pistol. In the meantime: Practice.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Steampunk Quiz

Why Get to a Stand While Dark
Well, since Me and MBtGE hunt form an ambuscade position and set in one spot wait for some hapless cervid to wander by we want to get to our spot and settle in and be very still and quiet. After a short time the woods forgets you are there. All the critters in a half mile radius heard you clomp up there and are properly concerned. Especially the awake ones. Forget about all the stuff where you have such an advantage over helpless woodland creatures. Their eyes are as good, or better than yours, their ears and nose are MUCH better than yours. Deer will often walk with the wind at their back, so they can smell stuff coming from behind them and SEE stuff they are approaching.
But if you don't move around and cause them further alarm woodland createres ostensibly think you are harmless. Squirrels will sometimes scamper right over you, and when that happens it scares the crap out of both of you. And if you are not moving around, deer that were gonna wander past and were nowhere near when you set in place will just mind their own business heading to a morning spot to do whatever it is deer do at breakfast time. Then you have a chance to blast em to deer Valhalla.
Even if you don't hunt it's a fun thing to do. You don't even have to do it at O'Dark Thirty. (We do it then to get deer as they move around at first light.) Go to you favorite wild spot with camp chair, wearing no perfumey stuff. Like hairspray, bug repellent, or clothes you laundered with soap (run a cycle with no soap.) You may want to cut an onion in half when you head out from your car. Stomp on the onion to get the smell of carpet or road tar down to a dull roar and replace with the natural scent of the onion. Carry the other half of the onion and toss near your spot, down wind. Then sit, be still, and observe for a few hours. It's amazing to see the woods come alive, going about it's woodly ways, not caring about you since you are not acting like a threat. You might see a deer walk by, and you'll definitely see other stuff. There was a hawk near me one morning, and that made the squirrels hide and stop barking at me. You get to experience the naturalist side of hunting without the 'icky' killing and cleaning, if that's icky stuff isn't your style.
Wear blaze orange if you do this during hunting season. And you may not want to do this in areas where there are Grizzly Bears or Mountain Lions.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
CCW Requirement
'You cain't git that here.'
So... suggestions?
I don't HAVE a blank card. It wasn't included in my package.
Another Trip to Gilberts
They also make you buy their ammo to shoot at their range, and that is priced retail for the Fiocchi brand.
But still, I did want to check them out and report on it.
It's a nice range, and you can shoot up to .308 rifle ammo there. Maybe twice as many lanes as OnTarget. It's where I went to test the Sig in the report a few days back and I went back just to practice some with the 1911 a couple days after.
The staff is very nice. I haven't met a jerk, yet, that worked at a gun store.
I wasn't pleased with the Fiocchi ammo. It didn't quite fit into any of my Springfield factory magazines. Like they were a hair too wide in diameter. Huh. They fit fine in the McCormick mags, though, so I used them for this test. Anyway, that gives me a bad feeling about that ammo brand.
That reminds me... I have to test Wolf ammo. Steel cased and $5 cheaper, but some guns don't like the type.
Anyway. Here is a typical target from the .45 at 25 feet:

Yup, the all so familiar down and right. The group is tight. For me.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Garand Enbloc Stow
A way to store Garand clips in modern pouches. And LOTS of Garand clips, too.

Sunday, December 7, 2008
Breda N' Me

Saturday, December 6, 2008
Cowed Spouse
Even I have met people like this. I've shot their rifles that were on perma-loan to relatives.
You know what I mean here. One half of the couple is comfortable about guns and enjoys shooting or hunting, but the other half that has joined their life hates guns, or is worried about any kids that might stumble upon a firearm. Or is worried about older kids and their friends and what if they turn out to be trouble makers? Because the gun owner in this equation isn't a fanatic, or even an enthusiast, they cave to the concerns of the other half and lock away permanently or get rid of their shooting iron.
It's the path of least resistance, and it maintains the peace and harmony of the marriage. If you are not really into guns you cede this battle. And I don't even think people that choose this option are all that wrong. When it comes down to a choice between the guns or the life partner most will choose the partner.
If you are lucky and happen to fall in love with a hoplophobe, maybe you can convert them, like Mike did to Breda. With patience and understanding. At least to the point where the significant other is at semi-neutral on subject would be a win. So you don't have to give your guns to your brother on permanent loan. Of course you'd train your kids to properly respect the firearms and keep your guns secure from idle young hands.
If you are Lottery-Jackpot lucky, you marry a woman like Tam, if you are male gunnie of shooting enthusiasm. One that has acres of knowledge to teach YOU about boomsticks.
Chances are, you aren't Tam lucky, or even pre-chrysalis Breda lucky. And you have an uphill climb that you might not surmount.
I imagine this is where we lose the most shooters. Loss of interest combined with actual outside antipathy means one less household.
How do we reverse the trend? Well the plan is easy, and the execution is simple, but solution is hard. It'll just take a while. What is the plan? Be a responsible firearm custodian. Don't scare off folks with crazy talk about plugging bad guys at your door, or taking to the hills to evade the UN Tyranny forces, or, yes, don't make people think you are seriously worried about actual zombies. Fortunately, for me, the idea of actual zombies is silly enough, and considering the source... Do things with guns that are normal and act like it is normal. No more mindset thinking you are in a special fraternity that appreciates the Bill of Rights when most do not. At least not outwardly. Encourage other gun owners to not go to extremes and let passion rule. It's the gun banners that are the crazy extremists after all. Especially encourage mall ninja types to dial it back, even if you have to ridicule them privately. If pushed as to why you are a gun owner and user explain your reasons in calm measured common sense terms, even in the face of a hostile audience. Stuff like recreation, personal betterment through a disciplined target challenge, and self-defense.
But but but... The other side is so emotional and might take the high ground of public opinion with their histrionics and you are passionate about the Second Amendment? Emotional appeal is such a strong and seemingly effective short circuit to the argument. You can be passionate and disciplined and still look normal while doing it. It's hard to do this. It's easy to rant and rail against the injustice. But a professional attitude and a disciplined application of calm pressure will win in the end. Heller was personally extreme in his passions and defense of individual rights. His strategy was victory through a Supreme Court case, and there are many other strategies going forward throught he courts and the legislature. But his tactics, were calm and disciplined. He didn't let his heart rule him in his fight. Not in the public eye. And he won. As we will win. And you can/will convert others, even a recalcitrant spouse using the same tactic.
Let's practice:
"Actually, it only looks like a military assault rifle. Military assault rifles are machine guns and there have been effective laws regulating machine guns since 1934. This rifle is only semi-automatic, like many hunting rifles. It's not a machine gun. And I use it for target shooting and not murder. Most actual murderers don't even prefer to use one of these. It's fun. If you like I can teach you how to safely shoot it, and have fun with it, too."
Friday, December 5, 2008
SIG December Range Report
Summary: Not bad.
I still love the trigger. It's smooth with no change in the pull weight throughout the travel, unlike my revolver or, even more severe, MBtGE's Beretta .40. I sorta compared it to the Glock before. It's not like the Glock trigger. I played with MBtGE's Glocks, too, on hunting day. The Glock trigger is lighter and feels... different... to me. Plastic. Glock trigger action just doesn't suit me. Personal preference. Anyway, here is the first target of a serious range session:

Lost concentration on those 2, didn't I? But look! SIX in the 10-Ring! I never get that many bullseyes.
And the second target is almost as good:
According to the 'scoring for qualification' instructions on the target, I'd get 5 points for any in the 10, 9, or 8 ring, and 4 points for that single in the 7 ring. I guess I'd qualify if this was the Police Academy or whatever.
I tried some shoot-and-see targets, just to, you know, see, on the last target:
3 flyers. Getting tired, maybe. Still good.
Note the flaw is still low and right, even when shooting well. Less so with this gun. Yay. I think it's the trigger that helps the most. It smooth enough, even enough, and long enough and it surprises me more. Surprise is the key. Slow is smooth, smooth is fast.
Update: All targets were set at 25 feet
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Gun Cite
Hat tip to SayUncle.

I saw it linked on Xavier's blog.
It's engine is a little anemic, but otherwise you have a sound little idea here. Armored windows, a front that acts like a cow catcher, holds five survivors. Good stuff.
If you don't buy one THIS MINUTE... You aren't gonna be ready when the zombies come.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Noob Range Report and...
I took the Saucy Trollop to the pistol range for a N00b shoot last Friday. Black Friday. That range has an attached gun store and they were VERY crowded. All the AR rifles that were on the wall a week after the election are now gone. They all had little sold signs on them in early November, just waiting for the 1 week waiting period to be up. At least 2 dozen rifles in the hands of free Americans just from that one store.
After a short wait for a lane the fun part began.
First up was for me to function test the new SIG P229 SAS with a DAK trigger. It works fine for me. I wasn't serious. My usual flaws were in evidence. I will go solo with it and see what I can do when I'm not teaching. Or 'teaching' as is this case. It's not quite the blind leading the blind, but.

Now I had taken Trollop shooting before, but with rifles at Hap Baker. She did well there, and loved the Garand most of all (so proud of her), so she had the firearm basics down. I made her memorize the 4 Rules months ago. And I had her do dry fire work at home on and off for weeks.
You usually like to start off a new shooter with a .22. I have no dedicated .22, so the 1911 took that duty with the .22LR conversion kit attached. After going back to the .22 later in the session I saw that she was most accurate more consistently with this.
Next up, the S&W 686 with .38 Special loaded. She learned how to swing out the cylinder and load it. When you are unfamiliar with a firearm that is something. Where to put your thumb on the release and where to put a finger to push out the cylinder are not instinctive when it is a borrowed gun. A gun you familiarized yourself with more extensively after purchasing and before your range trip. Same with figure out how
She did fine after I told her to concentrate on the front sight. Well, AFTER I told her to do that and still line up the rear sight. "Focus on the Front Sight" is a confusing term for the N00b. I explained that you line up the sights and the target like you normally would but that the front sight should be where the eyes focus. The rear sight may be a little blurry and the target definitely will be. Once she grocked that, the center of the silhouette was her domain. Like other new revolver shooters, she lost track of bullet count, so she fired on the 'seventh' round of six more often than not. She had a flinch. And was hitting low and left. So the next instruction was for more of a constant pull on Double Action and let the shoot surprise you. This helped her a LOT. Her trigger finger awareness discipline still needs some work. Especially on hair trigger single action. She cocks the hammer and the finger is already INSIDE the trigger guard. No serious damage would occur if she had discharged before she was ready. Just the ceiling down range a ways. Still.
Next up was for her to try the new SIG .40 caliber. She learned where the mag release was for this and many other semi-auto pistols. Her grip isn't perfect and I didn't harp on it. She has small hands and crosses her support hand thumb back over her shooting hand. There was no danger in getting hit by the slide that way so I let it go. I just wanted her to get used to shooting before fine tuning anything. And she was still hitting near the center of the paper.
I didn't convert the 1911 back to .45. Maybe next time she can try that.
Finally, the revolver with .357 magnum loaded. I demonstrated a couple so she'd see the flame and feel the difference in pressure (And damn I shoot that revolver pretty well. Even double action.) When it was her turn, I loaded just one round in the cylinder, just in case. My concern was unfounded. She loved the .357 shooting most of all and shot that the rest of the session when given the opportunity to choose her weapon. I asked her what her favorite was after the trip and she said the big round, "peels her panties." But you expect language like that from someone named Saucy Trollop.
She kept her main target. As a memento.
One thing. With my new SIG she had a FTE. Failure to eject. It stovepiped a casing. Uh-oh. I don't want a brand new gun to be imperfect. Now, I believe the major reason for a stovepipe is limp-wristing the shot. When I mentioned that, she wholly agreed that she was indeed holding it pretty loosely. And it served as a chance to teacher her the Tap-Rack-Bang method of malfunction recovery. Tap the magazine back into place in case it is loose, rack the slide to clear the ejector port and chamber of any problems, then pull the trigger. She took to that technique like a duck to water.
So, all in all a good piece of range time.
Here is her target. The holes past the right ear are her before she totally understood the 'focus on the front sight concept' All the other holes except the good head shots were her:

Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Fun Show Past
Reason? The money burn has been heavy prior to the election, and the election results have boosted prices. There is nothing that I HAVE to have. I am prepared gear-wise. As prepared as can reasonably be expected. And my next focus is training and practice and accessories. Including a class in a this weekend.
How's that?
It's still fun to go and look, but I was there earlier in the year. And even then there was nothing on my list to acquire. It's a HUGE headache to get all the ducks in a row to buy a simple shotgun and get it back to Maryland, all legal. I don't know how FFL dealers can keep track of the Byzantine layers of regulations involved.
I picked up my 2009 gun last Friday. More than a year before I will be willing to fork over any dough I don't ALREADY have in folding money in my pocket at that time. In other words, only SUPER-bargains. $700 guns offered for $199. That sort of thing. Highly unlikely and irresistible deals. For real this time. The gun cabinet is nigh full. If I have to I'll start alternating the long guns: barrel down, barrel up, etc. It shouldn't get any worse than that. Look at the Master List, after all. Not a lot on there. This side of a Mega Million Lottery win.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Got One
We set up at different stands on the property. As I was walking to mine I spooked a deer off. We got there at noon so it was deifinitely a deer. I didn't confuse a squirrel scamper in the dark. The deer I scared looked like if was sitting in the stand I was heading to. It was nice of him to give up his seat for me.
So I settled in on a pretty afternoon, hopeful that, where there was one, there would be more. 45 minutes in I hear shots and turn on the 2 way radio. Yup. MBtGE got one. So, off to him.
He thought it was a doe, but it had little button antlers. And, also, you know, yarbles. Probably a yearling. It pretty much dropped where it stood. 25 yards. The thing HEARD the safety get switched off. Wow. The picture didn't turn out, so... nothing to post here. Sorry. But it wasn't my deer so it was less important I get a pic.
So, I get to gut it. None too pleasant. One buckshot pellet did hit south of the diaphragm. A little stomach nick made gutting a little stinky, but it wasn't too bad. The liver had a through and through. Most hit in the heart and lung area.
The trick to field dressing is to get the organs out without letting the digestive contents get into content with the meat. Especially the lower intestine contents. Freeing the terminal end of the intestine is the hardest part because it is encircled by the pelvis.
The farm we hunt belongs to MBtGE's sister and brother in law, so we have free run of farm equipment and water hoses to help the next part. A golf cart toted the carcase where we needed it, and a convenient rafter in a barn was where we hung it up upside down.
Once you get the skin off around hind legs you can pull off the rest down to the head like it was a warm, slimy, wet sweatshirt. Carve away the tenderloin and put it in a cooler. Then carve off both forelegs, chop off the feet and put em in the cooler. Then split the pelvis, chop off the hind feet and put the 'hams' in the cooler.
MBtGE didn't want to save the skin, so it went in the trash. It looks like it would be a lot of work to prep a skin. If he had saved and tanned every skin he harvested in his life, he could carpet his house in deer. He sorta wishes he had. Too late now.
Once home, rinse the meat, and de-bone it. The tenderloin or back strap is the tasty part. Steak medallions or grill it hole. The hind legs make for decent roasts. The odds and ends on the hind legs and the forelegs are stew meat for the most part. Maybe I'll get a meat grinder and make venison chili. Here's a tip. If you grind venison, throw a couple slices of fatty bacon in the grinder too. Bacon makes everything taste better and venison is pretty lean. Without bacon you might not get your FDA dietary recommended daily value of fat.
Oh, and we named him Jeffery. It made it easier to disassemble him when he had a cute name.
MBtGE shared half the meat with me. And I learned how to prep a deer. Here is a picture of what was left over when we were done, ready for the garbage man: NOT for the squeamish.