Thursday, May 21, 2009


James Rummel of Hell in a Handbasket had a link a bit back about Weaboo Weaponry. It's semi-silly weaponry, almost impractical for it's purpose, that looks REALLY cool in Anime films. Thing like the Desert Eagle, the Metaba semi-auto revolver, and 12 gauge machine guns. Of interest, but not doulbe post worthy for me to further explore.

Until I saw reference to this:

The Calico Liberty.

It has a helical ammo magazine on top that holds 50 or 100 rounds or pistol size ammo. .22, 9mm, or .40 (soon). Nifty!

Sure, the point of failure is most likely to be the magazine. And a spare is pricey, but what they reviewer got right was the utility for zombies! 9mm isn't the most effective round when you have the choice, but out of a carbine barrel and against a shambling horde it is more than adequate. And it can hold 100 zombie-stopping rounds. And it was an answer to my question, "What is the pistol carbine for me?" This instantly got into the running. I'd put this and another magazine for it on the Want List.

But wait... I can't buy a spare magazine in Maryland. They can only be 20 rounds or less. No problem. I'll get one in Virginia.

Wait again... Hold the phone... If I can't buy a 50 round mag here, how can I get the first one that comes with the rifle? Buy it sans magazine? Hmmm. Better check...

Dammit! It's on the list! Regulate firearms in Maryland list. It's not impossible to obtain, but it is difficult enough to take a bit of the shine of this apple. It's bad enough the M1A is on there. The Calico does happen to be on the 'allowed' list of the state handgun roster. The 950 version, at least. Which is a handgun:

Might as well get a Kel Tec SUB-2000 carbine, at that rate. For my zombie eradication needs.


Anonymous said...

The Russians and Chinese both copied the design for their own helical magazine subguns, but I don't think their guns were anymore than the Liberty.

Steve said...

Damn google. I post the above comment.

Anonymous said...

Have a buddy who acquired one of these through trade,while a neat little weapon, they are not the greatest. I agree with the Kel-tec carbine though. I have one and love it. It is simple in design and easy to store away. Also they are incredible and surprisingly accurate. Also, you don't have to spend $100 for a magazine,if you can even find one for the Calico.