Friday, January 11, 2013

But this is good news

Whitehouse throws in towel, throws DiFi and her AWB under the bus, according to NYTimes.


New Jovian Thunderbolt said...

WH tries to backpedal, too, tho.

Old NFO said...

Don't be lulled into beliving they're not going to try a MAJOR impact...

SiGraybeard said...

While I'd like to believe it, two things:

1) The NYT is not a credible source for anything. It's easy to say that when they do something stupid we see, it's harder to remember if you don't know they're full of BS.

2) "If your enemy is doing something stupid, DON'T STOP HIM"

Geodkyt said...

Also, I believe the Feinstein manuever (while while fully her idea of a "first step") was a feint all along.

Mandatory registration along the ideas of a MA or IL permission slip for ownership, a permanent magazine limit, and universal background checks that retain the data, will seem so much more "reasonable" now.

Which was the Big Picture plan all along.